my kind at turning his wife that he went from preacher to murderer.”
    “How do you know all this?”
    He paused for a split second, grimacing. “Victor was my brother. He disappeared after that, and I never saw him again.”
    Something didn’t add up. “After all these centuries,” Cat said, “only Seraphina’s ancestors are alive. How could they know what she looked like and believe I’m her?”
    Tobias shook his head. “I’ve been wondering the same thing. There were no portraits of Seraphina. Anyone who was alive three hundred years ago has long since died.” His frown deepened. “I’m afraid that’s one question that’s been plaguing me since I discovered their plot to kill you.”
    * * * *
    The Elder sipped blood from his goblet as he watched his two men lying on the floor at his feet. Imbeciles! The mission had been so simple and they botched it up. He should have killed that bitch himself.
    Turning away from their corpses, he went to the hidden panel by the bookshelf and pulled a lever. The wall opened, exposing his stash of refrigerated blood. Carefully, he placed his goblet on a shelf and pushed the lever, closing the wall.
    For three hundred years, the Elder had been returning to the Granger clan, insinuating his place at the helm, leading his tribe toward the ultimate goal of annihilating the vampire race. Not an easy task, since he had to hide from his own people—his ancestors—that he was, in fact, a vampire. The enemy. A spawn of the devil.
    For three hundred years, he had suffered and agonized over the blasphemy of his fate. He’d thought about killing himself many times, but never found the courage nor the strength to do so…until one day, he realized being a vampire could serve him well. He would live forever—long enough to see the vampire race die. Disappearing every few decades from the clan was not only an easy task, but an essential one as well. He could not have his family grow old while he remained young. They would ask too many questions.
    Returning to the clan every few decades and reinstating himself as their leader was easier still. His father, Clive Granger, had taught him well.
    The Elder carried the two dead bodies toward the stairwell that led to the basement furnace. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
    He would tell his clan they died in battle, and he would send two others to finish the job.
    That bitch and her vampire lover had to die. His sister, Seraphina, would finally go to Hell.
    Quinn Granger swore roughly under his breath.

Chapter Five
    Cat went over everything Tobias had told her. She was having a hard time believing any of it. These things only happened in movies and books.
    There was one thing that disturbed her. “You really think I’m the reincarnation of Seraphina, don’t you?” she asked.
    “Yes. I wasn’t sure at first, but when we made love and I felt your response to me, I knew you were Seraphina. My brother was the one who explained the vampire love to me. He said it consumed you, connected you to the other person in a way you could not explain. He said the lovemaking went beyond the physical, connecting two souls with mere thought.”
    How could she tell him her passionate response to him had nothing to do with her being his dead, vampire wife? Simply put, she found him irresistibly sexy.
    “Technically, we didn’t make love, Tobias.”
    His lips curled sardonically. “ Technically , we didn’t go all the way—in human terms—but we did make love. Your response when I tasted you confirms that.”
    She touched her neck and drew in a shaky breath. “Did you turn me into a vampire?”
    “No. I wanted to, but that decision will rest on you.”
    “And you’ve been single for what—three hundred years?”
    “Give or take a few decades, yes.”
    “Unbelievable,” she whispered. She shook her head and tried to think straight. “Tobias, we have great physical chemistry. That’s all. I’m not Seraphina.”
    “Do you not think there is such a

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