    “I’m a man, dammit!” he ground out. “I’m not an animal.” His eyes glowed ominously, his beautiful mouth thinned menacingly.
    He grabbed her by the shoulders and dragged her against his body. Cat gasped and tried to push him away, but he was immoveable.
    “What are you going to do?” she asked, frightened, realizing too late that she had pushed him too far.
    “I am going to make you feel,” he said roughly, bringing his head down to hers.
    Their lips met and Cat froze, willing her body to remain stiff and unresponsive.
    He ran his hands over her back, drawing her closer to his hard frame. Cat closed her eyes and tried to take her mind off what his kiss was doing to her. She fought the weakness in her limbs, the flutter in the pit of her stomach, the heady warmth his mouth incited.
    Tobias forced her lips apart and crushed her body against his. Her resolve weakened and she wound her hands around his shoulders, moaning as her body dissolved into a pool of need.
    With no strength left to fight him, she returned his kiss fiercely and raked her nails over his shoulders up to the back of his head. He stiffened violently and groaned as he pressed her lower body against his. He was aroused and she whimpered against his steely erection.
    Her fantasy man was real. She was in his arms and didn’t want to let go. She wanted him.
    “You always had me, Cat,” he murmured against her mouth.
    She pulled her head back and gasped. “Do you read minds?”
    “Only yours. When vampires mate with their one true love, they mate for life, and a connection that transcends the physical and emotional, binds them for all eternity. Their hearts beat as one. Their minds work as one. Their souls live as one.”
    She grew nervous. “Does that mean you’ll be reading my mind all the time? I’ll never have any privacy?”
    “Only if I wish it, and as I wanted to find out how you were feeling just now, I decided to take a small look.”
    She gaped at him, ignoring the flash of amusement mingling with desire on his handsome face. “Well, don’t do it again,” she said. “I don’t want you to make it a habit looking into my thoughts.” Was she actually contemplating being with him?
    He took her hand and brought her to stand in front of the fire, then pulled her down gently to sit next to him on the thick, burgundy rug. The firelight illuminated his eyes and his skin and she tore her gaze away from his devastatingly handsome face.
    “I cannot tell you how relieved I am that I have found you, Cat.”
    She was mesmerized by the warm glow around them. “You are?”
    “I am.”
    This time, she couldn’t tear her gaze away from his. “You’re not hypnotizing me again, are you?”
    “No. Why?”
    “Never mind.”
    He placed his hand around her shoulder and squeezed gently. “You’re tense,” he murmured. Still aroused, his eyes was blazing with desire, and Cat knew she was losing the battle.
    “Tobias, what’s it like living forever?” She tried taking her mind off what he was doing to her shoulder—more precisely, what he wanted to do to her. It hung thickly in the air between them. The need. The passion. The desire .
    “How old are you?”
    “Four hundred years old.”
    He played with her hair and ran his hand down her arm, grazing the side of her breast. She gasped. “How…how did you turn into a vampire?” He was weakening her.
    “My brother was turned first in a raid. We were very close and he couldn’t bear the thought of watching me grow old and die so he turned me. Our parents died when we were very young. He was older than me and I always looked to him as a father.” He paused. “Cat, you need to be sure you want this. Being a vampire is very lonely. Any bonds or ties you form with people go away and you remain behind, alive, missing them.”
    “Like you with Seraphina.”
    “Yes. Like me with Seraphina, but I found you,” he added quietly.
    She ignored the last part. “What…what

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