Dead Man's Curves (BBW Vampire Paranormal Erotic Romance) [KOBO ED]
air into her lungs, Chloe half-sprinted, half-staggered to her car. Her hands weren't working right as she opened the door and fell inside, but when she landed on the ruined front seat and the vampire was still there, watching her placidly, Chloe realized that she was probably in deep shit.
    No money. No home. Wrecked car. Vampire.
    "My clothes?" the vampire asked.
    Chloe burst into tears.
    They weren't pretty tears. She wasn't the heroine in some Gothic novel, and Gabriel the Vampire wasn't the heroic tragic vampire who would dry her eyes, so she just let it all out. Huge, ugly sobs spilled out of her, and she covered her face, attempting to stifle her grief, but she just sobbed harder.
    She had nowhere to go. She had no money to take her somewhere. She had half a tank of gas. All her clothes were in the trunk of the car. Her worldly possessions were still back at her apartment, and she had been informed she could pick them up on the weekend, while James and Jenny were out of the house. She had no fiance. She had no best friend to cry to about that fact.
    All she had was her car, a job, and an unwanted vampire, and dammit, that didn't seem quite like enough right now.
    She was fucked. Really fucked. Next to her, the vampire seemed to go perfectly still, and she just let herself cry, unable to control it or do anything to contain it. Huge gulps of sorrow poured down through her throat, lodging hard in her chest, feeling like boulders pushing against the soft insides of her skin. She was filled with sharp edges; if she moved wrong, she would get cut.
    Then something heavy and flat landed on her shoulder. It lifted, then fell again. Then again. The pattern repeated itself.
    Scrubbing her eyes, Chloe stole a glance at the vampire from the corner of her eye and found that his hand was on her shoulder, awkwardly patting it.
    "There, there?" he said. He seemed uncertain as to whether there actually happened to be there, as if he suspected there had picked up and moved to a new location in the middle of the night.
    Chloe was so shocked she stopped crying.
    That a vampire who had not fifteen minutes ago threatened to kill whoever he felt like if she wouldn't procure clothing for him was now attempting to comfort her in the most hamhanded way she'd ever seen shocked her so much that she stopped crying and stared at him. The second her sobs quieted the vampire snatched his hand away and tried to look nonchalant. He couldn't hide the relief in his face, though.
    Weakness? Or was he just not as big of a prick as he was threatening to be?
    “I don't have any money,” Chloe said. “I thought I did, but I didn't. I'm sorry, I can't help you.”
    The vampire frowned. “What happened to the money you believed you had? Were you robbed?”
    Chloe started to shake her head, then realized that yes, she was. In a way. “Remember when I told you I'd been having a really really bad day?”
    Warily, the vampire nodded.
    Chloe took a deep breath. “Well, it started out like this...” And she told him the whole story. James and Jenny having anal sex on her couch, getting kicked out of the apartment she'd lived in for the past three years because James thought it would be best that way and his name was on the lease anyway. Then the part about how he told her he was no longer attracted to her because stress at work had caused her to put on weight. Then she added in her terrible day at work, the sudden disappearance of her access to her bank accounts, the breaking of her driver's side seat which was going to cost a fortune and her car was currently the only home she had—especially since now she couldn't get a hotel thanks to her utter lack of cash, oh god— and to top it all off she'd been shanghaied into the service of a vampire who seemed to want to either drink her blood or fuck her and he couldn't decide which.
    “...and now I'm sitting here, talking to a dead guy,” she finished. “No offense.”
    He just sighed and shook his head, as if

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