Haunted Heart

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Book: Read Haunted Heart for Free Online
Authors: Susan Laine
arms, press that lithe body against his own, and ravage those luscious lips until neither of them could breathe.
    Ruben fidgeted in his seat, his gaze flickering all over the place. “D-do you have any siblings, Mr. Kerr?”
    So they were back to formal address? Duncan felt awfully disappointed but didn’t let that show on his face. “No. I’m an only child. My parents live in Portland. I see them whenever I can, a couple times a year.”
    Seemingly pleased hearing this, Ruben smiled wistfully. “That sounds nice.”
    The soft, coy smile and rueful tone made Duncan’s heart do a flip-flop. Ruben spoke to every passionate instinct in Duncan’s body and heart. “My parents would love you. You’re the kind of person they would dote on day and night. Cookies and cupcakes, cold milk and hot cocoa.”
    Blinking, Ruben apparently didn’t know how to process this statement. “Oh. Well, I…. That’s very, um….” He fell silent, and Duncan cursed his thoughtlessness. The time to woo Ruben into Duncan’s life was not right then. That much was self-evident. He didn’t wish to cause the boy any undue stress, yet he seemed to be doing that over and over.
    “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you, Ruben. Again. I apologize.” Duncan let out a self-deprecating laugh. “It’s just that, well, I feel a connection with you, and it’s throwing me for a loop.”
    Ruben cocked his head to the side, frowning with confusion. “A connection…?”
    “An artistic fellowship. And… an attraction, I suppose.” Duncan felt honesty was the best policy.
    Ruben blushed fiercely, and he opened and closed his mouth several times as though he were gasping for breath, but no sound came from him. “M-me…?” Then the redness vanished in a heartbeat and was replaced by a cold paleness that scared Duncan. It was terror, plain and simple.
    Then Ruben was up on his feet, trembling, and Duncan got up too, worried. Before he could offer any assistance, Ruben had dashed across the room to the foyer, yanked open the front door, and stood at its side, staring at the floor and obviously waiting for Duncan to leave.
    Concerned, Duncan walked closer. “Ruben, if I have offended you in any way—”
    “Please, leave.” The command was a desperate plea instead of a forceful order. There were unshed tears in Ruben’s eyes, and Duncan’s heart was breaking at the hopeless sight.
    “Ruben, whatever I did, please, forgive me. I truly meant no offense when I said—”
    But it was useless. Ruben’s jaw was quivering, and his stance was rigid yet shivering. He wanted Duncan gone.
    Duncan sighed and nodded, resigned. “It was wonderful to meet you in person, Ruben. Thank you for seeing me.” Instinct prompted him to offer his hand for shaking, but when his host made no move to reach for him, Duncan withdrew, stepped outside to the porch, and stood there at a loss as to what to do to rectify the situation. “I hope perhaps we can meet again when—”
    “Good-bye, Mr. Kerr.” The timid, shaky voice was cut off abruptly when Ruben shut the door firmly. Duncan heard the locks click into place.
    As his shoulders slumped and he sauntered back to his car, Duncan was certain this meeting could definitely have gone better. But he was equally sure that this wasn’t the last he had seen of Ruben Winterbottom.

Chapter 7
    T WO WEEKS later, Ruben had still not answered any of the personal e-mails Duncan had sent by way of apology or requesting a new meeting. Ruben was prompt and precise with the work he’d been assigned, though, never missing a deadline. Duncan was much impressed with the boy’s talent and professionalism.
    Yet in his heart, Duncan missed speaking with Ruben face to face.
    But without a shadow of a doubt, he knew showing up unannounced at Ruben’s place would only earn a swift rejection, either by Ruben not answering the door or by him slamming it in Duncan’s face again.
    Duncan sighed tiredly, praying for answers and solutions to

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