Haunted Heart

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Book: Read Haunted Heart for Free Online
Authors: Susan Laine
the mystery that was Ruben. He rubbed a hand across his weary face and threaded his fingers through his hair. Well that certainly didn’t bring him any divine guidance.
    He needed to be proactive to shake himself out of this glum state of mind. And right then he knew exactly what to do.
    “O H , SO you’re Kerr? Ruben warned me you might be coming by.”
    “I see.” Gritting his teeth, Duncan reined in his temper at the words, spoken in a casual tone that in his mind belittled Ruben and his plight.
    The man chuckled, busy placing pictures on the empty white walls of an art gallery in the heart of the Seattle’s art district. “Ruben tends to overreact at times. It’s not his fault. I’m sure you’re not the boogeyman.” He winked as he said it, but the gesture left Duncan cold.
    Benjamin Winterbottom—or Ben Winters as his pseudonym stated—was an extremely good-looking man with styled dark hair, a rich tan (probably from a bottle), and blue eyes that held a seductive charm. The guy knew he was sex on a stick, and he wasn’t ashamed to show it. With obscenely tight black jeans that hung low on his hips, a crisp white button-down, a gray vest, and a gray silk tie loose around his neck, he was the epitome of trendy, artsy chic.
    Duncan wasn’t impressed. Did the guy really not care about his brother at all?
    “I was hoping you might tell me a little bit about Ruben,” Duncan said, doing his best to sound polite and even amiable.
    Benjamin nodded absentmindedly. “Come on. We can talk on the roof.”
    With that said, he led the way to the feeble-looking freight elevator in the back of the building, Duncan on his heels, and once both were inside, Benjamin pressed the top button. The old lift shuddered violently and made an unholy racket, but at least it moved upward.
    Once out of the elevator, they had to take the last flight of stairs to the roof access, the metal door creaking as Benjamin opened it. Duncan was greeted by the lush, green sight of a roof garden, with flowerbeds, wooden walkways, and a couple of lounge chairs here and there under huge parasols. There was even an airy greenhouse at the end of one of the wooden walkways.
    “Nice,” Duncan complimented, though he didn’t think Benjamin was responsible for the beauty around them.
    “Thanks. My girlfriend Lissa and I, we built this a few years back. She’s one of the financiers of the gallery downstairs.” Benjamin sat down on one of the rickety chairs and gestured for Duncan to do the same, which he did. “So. My brother.” Benjamin’s gaze was suddenly very sharp and intense. “What’s your interest in him?”
    Duncan didn’t want to tell the man anything, but he went with honesty, as he always did. “He works for me. Book covers. On a freelance basis.”
    Benjamin’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Really? Hmm.”
    Duncan bristled, jumping in Ruben’s defense. “He’s a great artist. EP is proud to work with him.”
    “Enamored Press. I’m the director of the art department there.”
    “Good gig?”
    “Yes, as a matter of fact.”
    Suddenly, Benjamin chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. “There’s no need to get so worked up, Mr. Kerr. I know my brother. Ruben does have a habit of bringing out protective instincts in people.”
    Harsh words dangled on the tip of Duncan’s tongue, but he bit them back. “You two aren’t close, then?”
    Benjamin leaned forward, his gaze locked with Duncan. “That’s not what you want to know.” When Duncan said nothing, Benjamin went on, his tone lowering. “Look. You’re right about Ruben. He’s exceedingly talented. Way more than me. I was never one for drawing or painting. He has the touch, you know. But….” He paused and rubbed a hand over his mouth, as if trying to decide what to say and how. “His situation…. No, his condition has little bearing on his skill set. If you have doubts—”
    “Not a single one about his artistic talent,” Duncan cut in

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