Fox Fate
isn't a social call. What can I do for you?"
    "First, I want to say: no one knows I'm talking to you, and I'd like to keep it that way."
    "I suspect I remain persona non grata," she replied. "That pains me, you know."
    "It's not that. I don't want Lara to know I'm asking the questions I'm about to ask."
    "Oh, secretive fox! I love secrets. And you have called to see if I will share with you?"
    "I wouldn't expect you to share secrets, Carissa. I thought only to ask a simple question. Do you know of any living foxes, other than me?"
    "There are rumors," she replied immediately. "Let me decide what I can safely tell you." She paused, and I heard her moving around. I waited patiently, and then she began to speak. "I know of no other foxes in the continental United States." She paused. "You know some vampires like to collect anything exotic. That is almost universally true."
    "You've hinted at that in the past."
    "The last pet fox I knew about in North America died about when you were born," she explained. "There were rumors of a fox enclave in New England perhaps almost twenty-five years ago."
    "I'm familiar with them," I said.
    "Do you know more about them than I do?" she asked.
    "Probably. I'm from New England, Carissa." I said it quietly, letting my tone tell the story.
    "I suspect there are a few still in Canada," she said. "But they've never been numerous."
    "I know," I said. "I lived with a group in Canada about twenty years ago."
    "Perhaps fifteen years ago, there were rumors of a fox in New England again," she said. "A hunter. Then the rumors stopped, and so did the deaths. It is believed he died."
    I paused. "Carissa, this conversation is only for us, yes?"
    "Of course, Michaela."
    "That fox didn't die. She moved to Wisconsin."
    Carissa was silent for a moment then said softly, "I wondered. It makes sense." She paused. "I wouldn't let that be widely known."
    "Very few know, and they won't tell," I said.
    "Does Lara know?"
    "Yes. And a few others."
    "All right. I have one other rumor, and this one is perhaps more than rumor. One of the European vampire queens is said to have a fox."
    "Do you know the gender?"
    "No, I'm sorry. I have not been to Europe in two centuries. I cannot state as fact this vampire has a fox, but I am willing to believe it."
    "Is it someone you know?"
    "Yes. All the vampires more than about four hundred years old know each other."
    "Do you have any way to verify the rumor?" I asked.
    "Of course," she said. "Mr. Graham created this marvelous device." She laughed.
    "I wasn't sure it was that easy. I barely understand werewolf politics and didn't even know vampires weren't a myth until I met yours."
    "It is a small thing," she said. "This vampire and I were once friends. She would take my call."
    "Deirdre told me that there were others. Do you think you could tell her I was asking?"
    "Of course." She paused. "Michaela, I am happy to call this other vampire, but I have two requests for you to consider. I will make this call even if you are unable to fulfill either request."
    "All right," I said cautiously.
    "First, I wonder if you would consider being my guest for a little fete planned here for All Hallows' Eve. I personally assure your safety, and you would be welcome to bring whomever else you liked. Perhaps I could meet your children."
    I didn't respond immediately but then said, "I might like that, but I do not know how Lara would respond to the suggestion."
    "Invitations go out this week. Would you be offended if I sent one?"
    "No." I thought quickly, wondering whether I wanted to talk to Lara about it. I decided to be blunt. "You're not Lara's favorite person."
    "Tell me. How's your sense of smell?"
    I laughed. "You didn't tell me that would be permanent. My brain isn't built to interpret the signals it's receiving. I'll talk to her about it, Carissa."
    "It would be good politics for her," she explained. "Next, will you tell me why you're asking?"
    It was my turn to pause. "Not many know this, but

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