Fox Fate
I was once a mother."
    "You're a mother now, as I understand it."
    "I had two fox babies named Flora and Fauna," I said. "The father was one of those Canadian foxes you probably heard about."
    "Oh, I see," she said. "When was this?"
    "Perhaps a year or two before rumors of a fox hunter killing wolves in New England," I said.
    "Oh Michaela," she said. "I'm sorry. But I feel perhaps you are telling me something."
    "When my babies died, I vowed I would never bring another fox into this world."
    "I don't blame you."
    "Carissa, I'm considering a change of mind. I want to know if it's even worth thinking about."

    I eyed the envelope then glanced at Lara. She was studying something on her laptop, perched in bed. I knew she'd put it aside the moment I looked like I was ready to slip into bed with her.
    I still hadn't decided if I wanted to mention Carissa to her. I decided to take a roundabout approach.
    "I'm still not used to my enhanced sense of smell," I stated.
    "Hmm?" Lara said, not taking her eyes from her computer.
    "You know, the leftover effects from our trip to North Carolina."
    Lara looked up and frowned.
    "I suppose you hate how much faster I am."
    "Why would you think that?"
    "I'm harder to catch than I used to be."
    She smiled.
    "Do you still hate Carissa?" I asked.
    "I don't hate Carissa," she replied. "This is an unexpected topic." She eyed the envelope in my hand. "What's that?"
    "I haven't decided if I want to tell you," I admitted.
    I knew that would get her curiosity going. She deliberately set her laptop aside. She had a little cubby for it in her end table, a recent purchase. She turned back to me. "What is it?"
    "You wouldn't be interested," I said.
    She slipped her feet out from under the covers and sat on the edge of the bed. I slowly moved further away from the bed but avoided looking like I was headed for the door. If we were going to play Catch the Fox, I didn't want her to feel rushed.
    "Come here," she ordered.
    "I don't think so," I said. "Really, it's nothing."
    Lara stood up and began slowly stalking me. I put the sofa between us.
    "Now, Lara," I said. "It's late, and I have to teach in the morning. We don't have time for your games tonight."
    She chuckled. We always had time for those games.
    She jumped over the sofa, and I barely evaded her, running around to the other side, laughing. She was about to jump back, but I held my hand out. "Wait."
    "I don't think so," she replied but she didn't jump after me.
    I paused. "I think when you see what this is, it's going to ruin the mood."
    "What is it?" she said seriously.
    "It's not what it is that will upset you," I said. "It's who it's from."
    "Carissa," she said coldly, and I nodded. "What is it?"
    "Are you going to get mad?"
    "It depends on what it is."
    I moved closer and held it out. She eyed it, then took it carefully. She pulled the party invitation from the envelope and quickly skimmed the contents. It was a formal invitation, engraved in an elaborate script on heavy paper.
    Lara surprised me. I was listening to her heart, and it barely fluttered.
    "Are you asking to go?" she asked softly.
    "I don't know," I said. "Do you think you'd have a good time? You're responding more calmly than I thought you would."
    "It would be good politics," she explained.
    "I don't understand."
    "With the other packs," Lara clarified. She sighed, then moved to the bed and picked up her phone from he nightstand. "Are you free?" she asked after a moment. "It's not urgent."
    "I'm meeting with Karen and Serena," Elisabeth said. "I can be over when we're done."
    "Actually," said Lara, "Where are you?"
    "My place."
    "We'll come there. We want to talk to all of you. We'll be there in a few minutes. Can you put on a pot of tea?"
    "Yes, Alpha," Elisabeth replied. "We'll be here."
    Lara hung up. I headed for the closet and pulled out clothes for her while she made another call. I didn't hear who it was this time. "How quickly can you be outside our house? Good.

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