
Read Desired for Free Online

Book: Read Desired for Free Online
Authors: Morgan Rice
disrespectful,” he said, “but wherever it is that we’re going, I real y don’t have time. You see, I came back here, in this place and time, for a reason.
    I need to help my sister. I need to find her—and I don’t have time for any side trips.”

    “Wel , I would hardly cal this a side trip,” Pol y said. “Aiden is only the most sought after man in al the court. If he’s taken an interest in you, it’s nothing to throw away,” she said. “And whoever it is that you’re looking to find, if anyone can point the way, it wil be him.”
    “Then where is it that we’re going, exactly? And how much further is it?”
    She took several more steps through the forest, and he hurried to catch up, wondering if she’d ever respond, ever give him a straight answer—when, at that moment, the forest suddenly opened up.
    She stopped, and he stopped beside her, awestruck.
    Before them lay an immense open field, leading, in the distance, to immaculate, formal gardens, the grass cut into elaborate shapes of every size. It was beautiful, like a living work of art.
    Even more breathtaking was what lay just beyond the gardens. It was a palace, grander than any structure Sam had seen in his life. The entire building was made of marble, and it stretched as far as he could see in every direction. It was a classical, formal design, with dozens of oversized windows, and a wide, marble staircase leading up to its entrance. He knew that he had seen pictures of this structure somewhere, but he couldn’t remember what it was.
    “Versail es,” Pol y said, providing the answer, as if reading his mind.
    He looked at her, and she smiled back.
    “It’s where we live. You are in France. In 1789. And I’m sure that Aiden wil let you join us, assuming that Marie al ows it.”
    Sam looked at her, puzzled.
    “Marie?” he asked.
    She smiled wider, shaking her head. She turned and skipped across the field, towards the palace.
    As she did, she cal ed out over her shoulder.
    “Why, Marie Antoinette, of course!”
    Sam walked at Pol y’s side, up the endless marble staircase, heading towards the front doors of the palace.
    As he went, he took in al the sights around him. The magnitude and proportions of this place were astounding.
    Al around him, strol ing the grounds, were people he presumed to be royalty, dressed in some of the finest clothing he’d ever seen. He couldn’t get over this place. If someone had told him he were dreaming, he would believe them. He had never been in the presence of royalty before.
    Pol y hadn’t stopped talking, and he forced himself to focus on her words. He liked being around her, and enjoyed her company, even if paying attention to her was real y hard. He thought she was pretty, too. But there was something about her that made him unsure whether he was real y attracted to her, or whether he just liked her as a friend. With his past girlfriends, it had been lust at first sight. With Pol y, it was more like a camaraderie.
    “You see, the royal family lives here,” Pol y said, “but we live here, too. They want us here. After al , we’re the best protection they have. We live together in what you might cal a friendly harmony.
    It serves us both. With this huge forest, we have unlimited hunting, a great place to live, and great company. And in turn, we help protect the royal family. Not to mention that a few of them are our kind, anyway.”
    Sam looked at her, surprised.
    “Marie Antoinette?” he asked.
    Pol y nodded slightly, as if trying to keep it a secret, but unable to.
    “But don’t tel anybody,” she said. “There are a few others, too. But most of the Royals are human. They want to be among us. But there are strict rules here, and it’s not al owed. It’s us and them, and we’re not al owed to cross that line. There are certain members of the royal family we don’t want to have too much power. And Marie insists on it, too.
    “Anyway, this is just the most fabulous place. I can’t

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