Claiming His Witch
between my legs when I hit four paws. Concentrating on the wolf within, I closed my eyes and gave myself over to the staticky feeling of shifting from one form to another. Once I’d wolfed up and shaken out my fur, I took a moment to just be, to really sink into my wolf instincts.  
    And then I whimpered.  
    My wolf spirit lunged inside of me, desperate and furious as the human side of my mind fought against him. The wolf wanted to run, to get out in the woods, to head north and not stop until…something. For the first time since those weeks after the attack and bite that had led me to my shifter life, the wolf inside of me exerted his individuality and tried to force the human side into submission. I grappled mentally with the beast, hanging on to my humanity by the barest thread. I couldn’t last much longer against the need to run; it took nearly all of my energy to keep from bolting out the door and racing for whatever it was that was calling to me.  
    North north north north.
    I growled and planted my paws, stretching my claws until they dug deep into the wood floor. A responding growl had me bracing for attack, but it was only Beast in wolf form standing at the open door. His blue eyes met mine for a moment before sliding over the rest of me. I could picture what he had to be seeing—I was a back arched, claws out, panting mess of a wolf.  
    The pull grew stronger, demanding I move. I fought against the need, against the want of my wolf, but it was no use. A sharp mental yank had me surrendering. I took two running steps then jumped over Beast, sailing across the porch and landing on the dirt. As soon as my paws made contact, I was in motion. Running, racing, across camp and toward the north tree line. Something I needed was there. Something I had to have. Something that needed me just as much. Only I didn’t know what it was.
    I’d expected the wolf to completely take over our joint mind, but I kept my human thoughts in place. I knew who I was and what was waiting for me in camp, but the wolf disregarded it all. His focus was one hundred percent on the woods to the north, where the night had fallen a little faster due to the tall trees, and the shadows both invited me in and warned me away in turn. Something was in those woods. Something important.  
    Before I could reach the trees, Beast slammed into me, knocking into my flank hard enough that I fell to the side and slid on my hip. I hurried to my feet and spun, snarling. He didn’t understand, didn’t know how desperate my inner wolf was to move. I had to go north.  
    Beast circled, stepping between me and where I needed to be. My snarl turned vicious, the fur along my nape standing on end as I readied for a fight. Beast matched me in volume and aggression, his snarl turning to deep, grunting barks as he threatened me.
    “What the fuck?” Rebel hurried over, his stride long and his eyes hard. “I don’t know what the problem is here, but it needs to end now. Shift back.”
    I bared my teeth as the man whose orders I was trained to follow demanded I do the exact opposite what I knew I should. Rebel stared at me, waiting for me to comply, but my wolf refused to submit. Not this time.
    When I didn’t drop my stare or give in to his demand, he raised his voice.
    “Pup, you will shift back now.”
    The weight of the Alpha order was like a lead blanket being draped across my shoulders. My wolf and I fought against it, our growl deepening. We could not risk giving in, could not stop until we’d reached whatever it was that called to us in those woods.  
    North north north north
    Beast shifted to his human form and hurried to Rebel’s side.
    “What the hell is wrong with him?”
    Rebel shook his head. “No clue, but he said he was feeling a little off.”
    “Well, this is a fuckton more than just a little off.”
    I spun and faced north as the scent of two humans met me. No, not humans. Something…other. Something my wolf recognized but my human

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