Claiming His Witch
side didn’t. The one scent made me want to attack, to protect my den and my pack from the unknown threat. But the other…
    Deep and sweet, the smell was like waking up on the riverbank as a kid with the mist rolling over the water and the sun playing hopscotch across the ripples and waves. It was like home and faith and all the good things I’d long ago had taken from me. It was everything…and it was mine.
    “What the hell is that?” Beast turned toward the tree line just as two women burst through the brush and out of the shadows. They stumbled and fell, toppling over each other and landing in a heap. Beast growled and stepped in their direction, but my wolf howled in my head and forced us to intervene. Without thought or intention, I jumped past the man I saw as my most trusted brother, my maker, and turned on him. Three barks had him stepping back.
    “Easy, Pup. I’m not going to hurt them.” Beast put his hands up and took another step back, pulling Rebel with him. Their retreat settled my inner wolf enough to back up, to move closer to the women who were still lying on the ground. Once I stood beside them, I dared to turn my face away from the threats in front of us, the human side of me needing to know why my wolf was adamant we protect the women. I continued to growl lowly as I looked over the pile of girl-flesh, the human side winning back more and more control as the seconds passed.
    And when the girl on the bottom looked up, when her sea green eyes met mine, I knew I’d never be the same again. My wolf settled, allowing my human side full control of my body and my thoughts. Which was good, because if the way my heart drew me toward the unknown woman was any indication, I’d found my mate.  
    And she looked terrified.


    Paws, claws, fur, teeth… hunter .  
    I struggled to my knees, scared the wolf could attack at any moment. His growls filled the air, sending chills up and down my spine. Scarlett gasped beside me, obviously seeing the same thing I did. I trembled as I moved back, lifting my head as the growls grew louder, certain the pain of teeth slicing into my flesh was coming.
    Instead, I met pale green eyes. Intelligent, caring, and inquisitive eyes that showed far too much depth to belong in the face of an animal. They made me pause, made the fear of my initial reaction recede. The wolf’s very presence should have terrified me. Should have had me running the other way and shouting for help, but those eyes calmed me.  
    As soon as our gazes locked, an incredible sense of peace washed through me, cool and calm. This was where I was meant to be. The wolf was what had been calling to me all day, though how or why I still had no idea. But there was one thing I was absolutely sure of: if there was a witch hunter in these woods, the wolf before me was not him.  
    The wolf took a single step closer, just one paw, but it was enough for my sister to see him as a threat.
    “Zuri…stay down!”  
    Before I could react, a ball of flames erupted between the wolf and me, sending sparks and ash into the air and making him retreat.
    “No!” I hurried to my feet and tried to grab Scarlett so she wouldn’t attack again, but it was too late. Two fireballs went screaming in the direction of my wolf.  
    As I spun to see the damage she’d caused, a man grabbed Scarlett and lifted her off the ground with his arm around her neck. Fury raged through me, pure anger at the audacity of the stranger to put his hands on my sister. Without pause, I called my power through me, chanting to the elements in my mind. This was no time to be shy, and I was no scared little witch afraid of being burned at the stake. I’d drop a tsunami on his ass if he attempted to hurt my sister.  
    With the full power of the magick of the water within me, I spread my fingers and turned my palms skyward. Almost instantly, the winds picked up around me, going from a simple breeze to a howling gust. The man holding

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