Cassidy (Big Sky Dreams 1)
for me and this baby."
    Meg tried to stop then. She tried to stop all speculation and
    37prayer and just think about who God was. No more requests, no more thoughts of her own-just verses that told of His greatness, His lovingkindness, and His ability to provide.
    When Meg laid her head on the table and fell asleep, she could not be sure. She also didn't know how long she'd slept, but when she woke she was still alone, and the bread was quite cool to the touch.
    Moving a bit carefully, she went about her workday, no other pains troubling her. She thought that might have been the end of it but wasn't willing to take a chance. As soon as she'd fed the men lunch, she lay down on her bed. She thought her body might be in need of rest. It didn't matter that she didn't sleep, having taken that nap at the table. This small act might help the baby go full term, and that was worth getting behind in her work.
    Chandler spotted Cassidy the moment she came through the door of the bank. She looked distracted to his eyes, and for a moment he thought about what Abi Pfister had said. He was not concerned with the wagging tongues of the townsfolk, but he would never want Cassidy hurt by someone's tongue, 'and in truth, he didn't know exactly how he felt about Token Creek's seamstress. She was a friend, certainly, one he cared for very much. But a hurt from his past made it difficult to say if he would ever let his guard down so he and Cassidy could be more than friends.
    "Hi, Cassidy," Chandler greeted when she was close enough. "Hello, Chandler." She smiled as she spoke, but there was strain in her eyes.
    "Long day?"
    "A bit, yes," she said, not elaborating as to how the day had ended. Abi Pfister had been in, trying to speak with her, and not happy when Cassidy did not have time. She was behind in some of her work and did not have the luxury of time for an interview. She had tried to explain to Abi that the next week would be better, but that woman
    38had had an agenda, and when Cassidy had not fit herself into it, she'd been highly offended.
    "Do you have a quiet evening planned?"
    "Yes," Cassidy said gratefully, smiling as she thought about it. "Dinner at Jeanette's so I don't even need to think about what to make for supper."
    "Sounds perfect," Chandler said, having taken care of her bankbook and handing it back. "Enjoy yourself and relax."
    Cassidy thanked him and went on her way. Not until she was almost to Jeanette's did she stop to wonder why he'd known it was a long day. She tried not to think about how poorly she must look or how much it bothered her that Chandler noticed.
    "Where's Heather tonight?" Cassidy asked as the two women sat down to eat and that woman's place remained empty.
    "Theta had a pretty rough start to the day," Jeanette explained. "Heather's helping her into bed early tonight, and then she'll join
    Cassidy nodded with compassion and bowed her head when her host did.
    "Father in heaven," Jeanette began, "my life is so blessed because of Cassidy Norton. Thank You, Lord, for bringing her here to Token Creek, into our church family and into my life. I ask You to keep us mindful of You as we enjoy this meal. Help Theta settle in and sleep swiftly, and thank You for all of Heather's patient work. In Your holy name I ask these things. Amen."
    "Amen," Cassidy echoed, thinking she was the blessed one. She had been forced to leave her home, with no promise of finding friend or family. She had found both.
    In the midst of these thoughts, Jeanette passed the platter of roast her cook, Becky, had prepared and asked her how she thought business was going. It was the start of a great evening.
    39The end of the week neared, and Friday evening found Meg on the sofa, knitting needles in hand. Brad had joined her with the newspaper, but it wasn't long before his hand reached to massage her back.
    "Oh, that feels nice."
    "Laundry today?"
    "Yes. It was on my list for yesterday, but so much went wrong with the stove that I got

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