Cassidy (Big Sky Dreams 1)
building, ready for teaching and worship. It was not a huge flock, but it was a serious one. Token Creek was not known for its upright ways, but this small group of believers took their faith seriously and met with regularity to pray, worship, and learn.
    Walking the short distance to the church building, Cassidy entered
    42the neat structure, saw the Holdens and Chandler in a pew and slipped in beside them. Jeanette and Heather came next and sat on Cassidy's other side. They visited until Rylan stepped into the pulpit. He smiled out at the group that gathered before opening his Bible.
    "Proverbs 27:7 says, 'The full soul loatheth an honeycomb, but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet." Rylan looked up from his Bible and smiled again. "I made eggs and toasted bread for myself for breakfast this morning, but I burned the bread when I wasn't paying attention. I ate the toast anyway because I was hungry. I didn't mean to burn anything, and I had planned to share this verse with you already. Don't you love the Lord's sense of humor?" Rylan asked as he smiled out at the congregation. "Burnt toast fits the description in the verse very well. I was hungry, and it tasted good to me."
    Rylan looked back to his Bible and turned to another verse. "This one is Matthew 6:33. You've all heard it many times. Some of you probably have it memorized. 'But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.'
    "A sated man doesn't seek. He's no longer hungry. He's satisfied and not willing to search. But a starved man will eat burnt toast. He's seeking, he's hungry. Have you ever noticed how fragile spiritual hunger is? One little delight and we're good for a while. We don't stay hungry for long.
    "These verses are talking about real hunger-craving, pursuing, seeking. Empty-belly hunger. That's the kind of hunger God is looking for. Content in Him certainly. Content in who He is, and in the way He provides for our every need, but not satisfied. Not feeling so full that we no longer crave the knowledge and presence of God."
    Trace listened intently to Rylan's words and knew that he'd not been so hungry lately. He was still in the Word, and missing fellowship with the church family would never occur to him, but he wasn't as thankful as he used to be. His heart was going too long without prayer.
    "Are you still praying for Token Creek?" Rylan asked in closing.
    43"I was called to see a family this week that has been devastated by a death. The folks listened to what I had to say and want me to visit again. God can do great things in this town, this town that was in His heart as He hung on the cross. Never stop believing that. Never stop praying for the forgiveness and salvation of Token Creek, and praying not just for the townsfolk but for our church family as well." Rylan asked one of the elders to close the service in prayer and then added, "Lord willing, I'll see you all next week."
    Some stood, and some turned in their seats to find conversation.
    Before Meg could do either, her Aunt Patience was there. "How are you, dear?" she asked, giving her niece a hug. "I'm feeling fine. I'm just too warm most of the time."
    "Come for dinner," Patience invited. "Your uncle misses you, and
    you won't have to work over the stove."
    "Let me check with Brad," Meg said, thinking this was just what she needed. Both Brad and Trace thought it a great idea. Everyone visited a bit longer, and it was nice to know that lunch was just minutes away and not all the way out to the ranch.
    "Big plans for the day, Cass?" Chandler asked Cassidy as they exited the church house.
    "As quiet as I can manage," Cassidy said, having realized near the end of the sermon just how fast her mind had been moving concerning business and every other aspect of her life. She'd been struggling with worry.
    Chandler had been invited to Jeanette's and found himself hoping Cassidy would be there too. It didn't sound like it.
    "Do you

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