Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 2 - Hidden Menace

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Book: Read Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 2 - Hidden Menace for Free Online
Authors: David Buck
conversations that they had managed before the ancients had entered their last series of hibernations. Seliandre had later awoken from the last hibernation expecting to see Gementer patiently waiting for her. Instead she had been shocked to see her older sister lying still and crippled, possibly forever.
    Seliandre made a strong effort to return to the present, as she noted that the Maveen probe was no longer working on the damaged sled, but instead quietly regarding her as if it had something important to say. The probe moved closer and spoke urgently to her in a metallic voice.
    ‘Princess Seliandre you seemed lost for a moment and did not respond to my calls. I understand that you have a lot on your mind but I require your assistance please in repairing the sled.’
    Seliandre listened patiently as probe three made his request for assistance. To one side she could still see her mother talking to Altarebe.
    Altarebe was aware of the Maveen probe and the daughters at a discrete distance in the ocean depths. He ensured he listened attentively to Queen Angwene, who spoke quietly but in a voice full of regal authority.
    ‘Now Altarebe, attend and pay close heed, for I cannot let your role in this facility be misunderstood. You have offered the pledge of allegiance and this is the start of your new life. Now we are effectively trapped here for another one hundred and fifty years or so. The two younger daughters especially need the time, and my oldest daughter Gementer should stabilize but will be weak when we leave. Do you understand what has happened to Gementer? Also do you accept responsibility in protecting her life and the lives of all my other daughters?’
    Altarebe looked over at the dormant form of Gementer for several moments as he made a formal reply.
    ‘Yes your Majesty, I understand too well the responsibilities and the obligation that I am now under, for our race is now indeed very rare. I consider it an honor to serve you and your daughters with my life if necessary. We are possibly the only members of our race still alive in this sector apart from my father.’
    Queen Angwene then questioned Altarebe at length about what he knew of others of their race elsewhere in the galaxy. She was satisfied with his responses as she brought the conversation back to her daughters.
    ‘Altarebe, I have been very impressed with both your fortitude in reaching this world and your restraint in your manner. I am pleased to accept you as consort for both my oldest daughters only, as in the two oldest daughters only, at this stage. Note that Gementer is a special case and I will leave a message for her if I am asleep when she decides to awake again. Now you must mate with Gementer well before we leave this world or she will likely not survive.’
    Altarebe suppressed any initial embarrassment at the queen’s instructions, for he had been well versed by both his father and his education before he had found this world.
    He quickly offered his grateful reply and acknowledgement of the situation, for he could see Seliandre again regarding him as the smaller Maveen probe moved over to speak with her.
    ‘Yes your Majesty, I understand both the mission and sanction that I have been given explicitly. I will be mindful of your younger daughter’s development as I perform my duties and help you all to leave this world. I understand too well the problems Gementer faces and I will do everything I can to help her survive.’
    Angwene was well satisfied with Altarebe’s answer, and summoned Seliandre over to speak to join them after sending the four youngest daughters off on an errand. Seliandre was soon brought up to date with Altarebe’s new status, but she seemed rather subdued as she took in the news.
    ‘Mother, Altarebe, the news is both anticipated and welcome, but the issues Gementer faces clouds everything around us, even the still remote Jerecab threat to the humans.’
    Angwene was proud of her daughter, for all of them were

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