Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 2 - Hidden Menace

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Book: Read Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 2 - Hidden Menace for Free Online
Authors: David Buck
instinctively in respect, as he came close to speak softly and caress her with his antennae.
    ‘Mate of record, and of my hearts, I am delighted in your safe return and you have done well. The envoy’s concerns will be deflected with your efforts and she is also under an obligation to us now after we aided the two junior Vorinne in the hangar. So any news of our children would only add to my happiness.’
    The assault leader revelled in her mate’s touch as she gave her grateful reply.
    ‘Honoured mate, our children are all well and they are good examples of Cephrit integrity and duty. I have brought all their latest news with me on my data tablet for you to view over a bottle of fine Barus wine.’
    The fleet master gave a chirr of pleasure at this news and led the assault leader off towards his quarters. He knew that the station master would report back to him on the Vorinne at a much later stage, as they first had to work out how to get the second envoy involved in a discreet manner. As the assault leader dutifully trailed behind him she asked a couple of questions of her own.
    ‘Fleet master, how does the situation with the Tilmud stand at this stage? Also do we have to send forces towards the former Dradfer colonies?’
    The fleet master was expecting these two questions, as the assault leader had every right to ask them as part of her duties. He again admired her armour and best blades as he gave a genial explanation.
    ‘The Tilmud still possibly plan treachery for several of their ships have left their deployment zones around their main colonies. We are mindful of this and are on our guard around our main assets, including this star base. Unfortunately this means that we have not been able to intercede at the former colonies. Our recent reports suggest that the Jerecab have been suffering a string of defeats at the hands of the humans. However we are aware that the Jerecab forces heavily outnumber the human fleet so they will be eventually destroyed.’
    The two Cephrit then remained silent and they soon reached the fleet master’s quarters. They both quietly discussed the possible problems a Jerecab victory over the humans would have, with the assault leader providing an additional insight the fleet master had not considered. He quietly thought about her insight as he opened a bottle of his best wine, and he resolved to contact the local Deltas Vass commander after a few hours of sleep.
    The fleet master rested on his favourite couch and by custom the assault leader crouched on the floor next to him with her data tablet. He turned aside for the evening the demands of his duties as he learnt more about the lives of his distant children.

Chapter 3
    Admiral Mary Neilson gritted her teeth hard as the Exeter blew apart yet another small Jerecab transport. The human fleet had earlier cornered the small Jerecab supply convoy and the destroyers had taken a savage toll. The eight frigates had lasted only half an hour, before the combined firepower of the Earth destroyers had blown them apart at long range with their large spinal mount weapons. The smaller Jerecab transports were more nimble than the larger lifters and several had almost reached the hyper drive point to flee. But Mary had been mindful of this, and had merely taken the leading section of five destroyers forward past the slower lifters.
    Lieutenant Benson calmly gave a series of reports about the status of the battle.
    ‘None of our ships have suffered any significant damage, thought the Tokyo has her shields down to sixty percent after two frigates attacked her at once. All the frigates are destroyed and the smaller transports will be joining them in minutes. The larger lifters are cornered and should be destroyed within another half an hour.’
    Mary noted that two of the quickest transports had almost

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