Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 2 - Hidden Menace

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Book: Read Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 2 - Hidden Menace for Free Online
Authors: David Buck
deeply concerned about Gementer’s state. She knew that Altarebe would remain silent by convention unless she gave him leave to speak, so she first answered Seliandre.
    ‘Well Gementer should survive and the best estimate gives us within two hundred years to leave. As long as she mates before she leaves, say within one hundred years or so then she will be fine. Altarebe, do you have anything to add to this for Seliandre?’
    Altarebe only repeated what he had said to the queen earlier for Seliandre’s benefit, before the queen sent then both over to assist the patiently waiting Maveen probe.
    Altarebe watched in silent approval as his first bride assisted the probe in the difficult repairs to the sled. He knew that they would have plenty of opportunities to get to know each other over the remaining years they would be hiding on Earth.
    The Cephrit fleet master led his procession into one of the main hangars on Cephrit star base 31 and came to a halt several metres from the rear of the recently returned large shuttle. The fleet master had planned for this moment by taking the last five command watches by himself and giving his station master plenty of time off. He ignored the lines of junior female marines facing him on either side as he eagerly awaited the return of one dear to him. In moments his mate of record was slowly walking down the ramp towards him. The fleet master silently noted that the assault leader was not injured and that her re-grown legs had now turned the same shade of black as her original legs.
    The massive assault leader stopped three metres from the fleet master and gave him a full formal bow as required by protocol. He noted that her chitin was polished to jet black clarity and she wore on her hind legs her best dueling blades set with gold and silver as he gave her leave to rise.
    ‘Be at ease Assault Leader for your return and successes delight me greatly. I understand that you have guests with you and we will deal with this matter directly. The honor guards are dismissed and will now leave the hangar.’
    The assembled Cephrit broke ranks and then left the hangar, as the two of them were then joined by a worried junior station master and a pair of lieutenants. The fleet master looked over at the other Cephrit for a moment before he quietly spoke.
    ‘Now not a word of this to anyone or the Zronte will have us in chains for the compost pit. We must be mad to get into a quarrel between the Vorinne and the Zronte, however minor the matter turns out. We will keep them in the Vorinne quarters as visiting merchants as I understand the lieutenant no longer has his uniform. Assault Leader please lead us onboard the shuttle.’
    The five Cephrit soon crowded onto the shuttle and the rear door was raised to maintain security. The forward cargo hold door of the shuttle opened along one side and the fleet master took in the large forms of a Vorinne couple resting on their six legged haunches. The male Vorinne slowly came to his impressive four metre height and gave a full formal bow.
    ‘Lieutenant Dreshe’ahal, former aide to Lord Temeroth, and my travelling friend is Lady Lahalm’siema. Your assault leader found the lady on another planet on the way back to this star base. We both seek protective from Lord Temeroth, and Lady Lahalm’siema is the younger cousin of the second envoy.’
    The Cephrit assault leader politely questioned both the Vorinne for only a few minutes, before he delegated the station master to take them in his charge and also take the next three watches. He quietly led the assault leader from the hangar as the station master motioned the lieutenants forward with the bundles of old Vorinne clothes they carried. He paused once they reached a corridor all by themselves and turned to face her, with the assault leader crouching low

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