Born Yesterday

Read Born Yesterday for Free Online

Book: Read Born Yesterday for Free Online
Authors: Gordon Burn
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+ ..LOVE.. * + . +GOD BLESS XXX
    Micki (Mummy of Kylie Whyte-Reynolds, daughterof Terry Embra) 26th Jul 2007 RIP teen angel – When will this all stop? My thoughts are with your devastated family. May you have eternal peace xx
    Josh R.I.P. 27th Jul 2007
Another young life taken off da streets … XXXXXR.I.P Abuka babes, lyf aint guna b da same wivout uXXXXX Another young life gone just like that another family in bits
    Gone but definitely not 4gotten.
Raegz from Gipsy Hill. Relation: Friend. 28th Jul 2007 I hadn’t seen u 4 long brudda but wen i heard wat went down i used mind ova matter 2 stop myself sheddin’ tears. aint even known u 4 dat long only since i started Stockwell Park in yr11. U woz kul doe fam and itza 100% guarantee i wont 4get man. Dun NO!!. Inshallah Allah will open up the gates of paradise for u brudda …
    Abukar Mohammed was murdered in Stockwell in south London on the night of 26 July. His family was originally from Somalia, and he was shot dead at point-blank range in a random ‘execution’ after he was chased across the Stockwell Gardens estate by a gang of teenagers on bikes, wearing clothes with ‘SW9’ written on the front, and ‘Hot Spot’, their name for the estate, a favourite with drug dealers, on the back.
    Abukar was sixteen and he was the tenth young victimof gun and knife crime in London in six months. In common with all the others, from Michael Dosunmu, age fifteen, shot dead at home in Peckham in early February, to Mark Dinnegan, age fourteen, stabbed in Islington after being chased by a gang of youths at the end of June, Abukar had had a virtual shrine set up in his memory on gonetoosoon. co. uk within just a few hours of word of his murder getting round.
    In the early hours of 4 May, with police and volunteers searching the beach and the narrow streets of Praia da Luz, the McCanns’ friends and family back in England started to circulate a text message urging everyone ‘2 light a candle 4 madeleine who was abducted from portugal. we r trying 2 make it a worldwide thing so if u cn plz join in by textin or emailin as many people as u cn’.
    Twelve days later the official findmadeleine website was launched. It drew on the expertise of some of Kate and Gerry’s friends in broadcasting and the New Media. It featured many pictures of Madeleine taken over the six days of her holiday; the earliest showed her climbing the steps of the EasyJet at East Midlands airport just before she tripped and cut her knee. Also included were casual, intimate snapshots from the family album, innocent and ordinary.
    Madeleine’s eyes had been stylised into media emblems, the defect in her right eye simplified into an easily recognisable logo. recorded more than 70 million visitsin the first three days, and 7,500 messages of support, the last folk ritual of social gathering. That volume of traffic was irresistible to typosquatters who, simply by launching near-name sites with only a single letter difference, could send Madeleine well-wishers and the surfers of second-hand non-experience to porn sites and other sites hastily set up by conmen.
    Only eight days after her disappearance, an appeal in the form of a rap entitled ‘For The Safe Return Of The Little Toddler To Her Family’, appeared on YouTube:
    8 days gone since this lil girl was snatched
    people praying all over just bring her back
    can you imagine how it feels to be her mum and dad
    or her little brother and sister who wont understand
    3 years old i ask my self why the world is so cold
    but we must keep the faith and not let this go
    together we will find maddie dont give up hope
    its times like these we hold our family near
    the public is there only hope to make her reappear
    i see this on the news and i want to shed a tear
    this is the truth this is a fuked up world

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