Bonds of Blood
had more than enough!”
    She grabbed Mina’s arm, trying her best not to let her fear harden her grip.  “I have to know what happened.”
    “What makes you think that going back there will help?”
    “Maybe something will trigger my memory,” Kat replied , her gaze pleading.
    Mina pursed her lips.   “Maybe things will just get worse and you’ll freak out.”
    Kat couldn’t deny that it was a very real possibility.  But one way or another she was going to find out what happened last night.
    “Please Mina, I promise I won’t freak out.  But I need to know.”
    Mina rolled her eyes.  “I just know that I’m going to regret this.”
    Later that night as Kat stood in front of the mirror in a form fitting black dress that floated around her thighs, she did her best to shake off the unsettling feeling which had settled in her chest since her talk with Mina.  Staring at her reflection in the mirror, she ran her fingers through her long, wavy hair. 
    What happened last night?
    Ever since her conversation with Mina, she felt like she was a million puzzle pieces that couldn’t be put back together.  All day she did her best to remember what happened, but all she saw when she closed her eyes was her dream man.  She remembered kissing him, remembered him touching her.  She remembered practically begging him to make love to her.  Then, everything became a dark haze.
    What worried her most right now was the fact that the man she went home with was a stranger. 
    He could be anybody. 
    Was it possible that her mind conjured images of her dream man to save her from the brutal truth?
    Or were the dreams real?

    Chapter 7
    While on the way to her destination, Kat spotted Mina leading a group of people along the sidewalk.  Curious, she stood at the back of the crowd as Mina took position in the front.  Wearing a long black Victorian coat that came down to her ankles, Mina tossed her hair over her shoulder. 
    “Well, even though we are nearly at the end of our journey together, I have definitely saved the best for last,” she said, her tone low and sinister.
    A couple of young girls giggled from the back.  Mina pinned them with an ominous stare and their laughter evaporated into the New Orleans heat. 
    “The building behind you has a tale to tell.  In 1813, a young Irish immigrant name d Jeannette McCurdy came to live in New Orleans.  Jeannette dreamed of having a family of her own.  So, when she met Pierre Delacroix she thought that dream might become a reality.  But Pierre’s family wasn’t thrilled with him dating a girl who was no better than a housemaid.  They forbid Pierre from seeing Jeannette.  But the lovers couldn’t stay apart for long and soon they were in the midst of an illicit love affair.  When Pierre’s parents found out, they threatened to cut him off financially.  Unfortunately, Pierre was fonder of his parents’ money than he was of Jeannette.  When he came to tell Jeannette he was leaving her, he was once again distracted by her beauty…”
    Mina offered a serious stare as she continued.  “After they made love, Pierre made the mistake of falling asleep.  Jeannette could tolerate a lot of things but having a faithless lover wasn’t one of them.  She took matters into her own hands by picking up an axe and chopping off his head.”
    The crowd gasped in horror.  Even Kat couldn’t stop herself from cringing at the gruesome story.  But Mina wasn’t finished.  A devilish grin curled her lips as she went on.
    “ Don’t worry, Jeannette still got her man.  It’s said that Jeannette kept Pierce in her bed for another two weeks,” Mina explained.
    A chorus of ooohs came up from the crowd, and Kat felt her stomach roll.
    “She even sat his head on top of his rotting corpse .”
    Gagging sounds whispered through the crowd.  “Gross!” A girl cried out from the back.
    “ But Pierre wasn’t done.”  Mina’s gaze traveled to the building behind

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