Big Money

Read Big Money for Free Online

Book: Read Big Money for Free Online
Authors: John Dos Passos
Tags: Historical, Classics, Politics
    Find German Love of Caviar a Danger to Stable Money
No one knows
No one cares if I’m weary
Oh how soon they forgot Château-Thierry
    Ships in de oceans
    Â Â Â Â 
Rocks in de sea
    Blond-headed woman
    Â Â Â Â 
Made a fool outa me

The Camera Eye (43)
    throat      tightens      when      the      redstacked      steamer      churning      the faintlyheaving slatecolored swell swerves shaking in a long green-marbled curve past the red lightship
    spine stiffens with the remembered chill of the offshore Atlantic
    and the jag of framehouses in the west above the invisible land and spiderweb rollercoasters and the chewinggum towers of Coney and the freighters with their stacks way aft and the blur beyond Sandy Hook
    and the smell of saltmarshes warmclammysweet
    remembered bays silvery inlets barred with trestles
    the put put before day of a gasolineboat way up the creek
    raked masts of bugeyes against straight tall pines on the shell-white beach
    the limeycold reek of an oysterboat in winter
    and creak of rockers on the porch of the scrollsaw cottage and uncles voices pokerface stories told sideways out of the big mouth (from Missouri who took no rubber nickels) the redskin in the buffalorobe selling snakeroot in the flare of oratorical redfire the sulphury choke and the hookandladder clanging down the redbrick street while the clinging firemen with uncles’ faces pull on their rubbercoats
    and the crunch of whitecorn muffins and coffee with cream gulped in a hurry before traintime and apartmenthouse mornings stifling with newspapers and the smooth powdery feel of new greenbacks and the whack of a cop’s billy cracking a citizen’s skull and the faces blurred with newsprint of men in jail
    the whine and shriek of the buzzsaw and the tipsy smell of raw lumber and straggling through slagheaps through fireweed through wasted woodlands the shantytowns the shantytowns
    what good burying those years in the old graveyard by the brokendown brick church that morning in the spring when the sandy lanes were streaked with blue puddles and the air was violets and pineneedles
    what good burying those hated years in the latrinestench at Brocourt under the starshells
    if today the crookedfaced customsinspector with the soft tough talk the burring speech the funnypaper antics of thick hands jerking thumb
    (So you brought home French books didjer?)
    is my uncle

Newsreel XLVII
    boy seeking future offered opportunity . . . good positions for bright . . . CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT . . . boy to learn . . . errand boy . . . officeboy
Oh tell me how long
I’ll have to wait
    in bank that chooses its officers from the ranks, for wideawake ambitious bookkeeper . . . architectural draftsman with experience on factory and industrial buildings in brick, timber, and reinforced concrete . . . bronze fitter . . . letterer . . . patternmaker . . . carriage painter . . . first class striper and finisher . . . young man for hosiery, underwear and notion house . . . assistant in order department . . . first class penman accurate at figures . . . energetic hardworker for setting dies in power presses for metal parts
    canvasser . . . flavor chemist . . . freight elevator man . . . house salesman . . . insurance man . . . insurance man . . . invoice clerk . . . jeweler . . . laborer . . . machinist . . . milling machine man . . . shipping clerk . . . shipping clerk . . . shipping clerk

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