Beyond This Moment

Read Beyond This Moment for Free Online

Book: Read Beyond This Moment for Free Online
Authors: Tamera Alexander
Tags: Historical fiction
child, and though that didn't ease the betrayal, it had made her leaving her hometown more palatable. In the article that announced the donation, President Northrop had been quoted as saying, "This generous gift from the Patterson family marks an important day in the history of Franklin College, and its bright and promising future:'
    Molly drew in a shaky breath. And it had marked the end of hers.
    She twisted the wedding band on her left hand. It looked so odd and out of place, with good reason. She'd been so foolish, so trusting. And she was paying the price.
    She glanced back at the men and saw James standing, brushing off his clothes. She'd recognized his last name when Charlie had used it earlier, from a telegram she'd received, confirming receipt of President Northrop's letter of recommendation.
    In his letter, President Northrop had stated one of the reasons for her resigning her professorship was because she wanted to see the western frontier before it was tamed and settled and vanished into history. Such foolishness ...
    But apparently, the council in Timber Ridge had believed it. Because in the same telegram, which came from a Sheriff McPherson, they'd offered her the job. Turning away, Molly clenched her hands tight to ease their shaking. The teaching position had been hers for the taking. And, in his own way, Northrop had made sure she'd taken it. She'd accepted, via telegram, and was scheduled to sign the contract upon her arrival.
    Hearing James's voice behind her, she patted her cheeks and put on a brave face before turning.
    Dirt smeared his chin and forehead, only adding to his rugged appeal. "Are you all right?"
    She nodded, noting how kind a look was in his eyes and how striking their blue. "I'm fine, Sheriff McPherson:"
    A smile tipped one side of his mouth, giving him a boyish look. "If it's all the same to you, ma'am, I'd prefer we stick with our given names:"
    She nodded. "I'm fine ... James;' she said softly.
    He looked her over. "You're sure you're not hurt?"
    "My nerves are a bit worse for the wear" She touched the back of her head, coercing a smile. `And my head promises to remind me of this tomorrow, but I'm fine:' Or would be. She motioned beyond him. "You were quite ... heroic just now."
    He raked a hand through his hair. "You wouldn't be saying that if you could've felt my heart pounding. I saw that ravine rushing up to meet me and-" He blew out a breath, grinning. "Let's just say my thoughts weren't all that brave:"
    She laughed softly. Courageous and humble. That was a combination she didn't come across often.
    He stared at her for a moment-that same patient, assessing look he'd given her in town earlier, and she did nothing to dissuade him. "You showed a lot of gumption just now, Molly. I hope you'll take this the right way, but ... I'm real impressed by how you did:"
    Her emotions threatened to surface again, but Molly held them under. From the corner of her eye, she saw Tolliver approaching.
    "Say, Sheriff. . " Tolliver moved in close. The gash on his forehead was crusted in blood, and his shirt was stained with it. He briefly glanced over his shoulder at Lewis and Daggett. "What do you aim to do about all that luggage you just sent over the edge?"
    The warmth in James's eyes cooled. "That I just sent over the edge? You mean, to save a man's life?"
    Tolliver stiffened, and Molly sensed something pass between the two men. Something beyond what had just happened.
    "I'm not saying what you did wasn't justified, Sheriff, on some level. I'm simply asking what you intend to do about it:"
    "I intend to leave that luggage right where it is, Tolliver. At the bottom of the ravine, at least for now. Unless you want to scramble on down there before nightfall and haul it up."
    Tolliver's smile was a tight curve. "You're right, of course, Sheriff. It'll be dark soon. I'll drop by your office this week and we can discuss it then:" False gentility shaded his tone. He turned in her direction. "It's

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