Beyond This Moment

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Book: Read Beyond This Moment for Free Online
Authors: Tamera Alexander
Tags: Historical fiction
been a pleasure to make your acquaintance, ma'am. Though I wish it had been under different circumstances, Dr. Whitcomb" He said it with a raised brow, as though they shared some private joke.
    Molly refrained from offering her hand as she'd done before, glad to see him walk away. She recalled the image of him looking down at her and Charlie Daggett one last time before he climbed out of the carriage. It was a look that said, "Better you than me" The more she observed Brandon Tolliver, the less she liked him.
    "Dr. Whitcomb? From Athens, Georgia?"
    James's question pulled her back, and Molly nodded. "Yes. I'm the new-
    "Schoolteacher in Timber Ridge" He eyed her. "I sent you a telegram."
    "Yes, you did:"
    That same wry smile eased up one corner of his mouth. "Seems fate gave us a jump on introductions back in Sulfur Falls:"
    "Yes, I think it did. It's nice to finally make your acquaintance, James." She offered a slight curtsey. "My instructions were to stop by your office when I arrived in town:"
    "Yes, ma'am. And, actually, I planned to meet your train in Sulfur Falls. But you're a few days ahead of schedule:"
    She nodded, trying not to stare at the pieces of sagebrush in his hair. "I sent a wire yesterday morning, but-"
    "The telegraph's down due to rain:" He smiled again. "Unfortunately, that happens a lot up here. We've got men out there right now trying to fix it. The folks of Timber Ridge are eager for your arrival, ma'am."
    "And I'm looking forward to meeting the people of Timber Ridge;' she countered, feeling a check in her spirit. Earlier during the day that statement would have been false. But in light of what had just happened, and now that the numbness was fading, life suddenly seemed more precious. Even hers.
    She caught the sideways look James was giving her. "What?" She looked down, smoothing a hand over her skirt. "Is something wrong?"
    He shook his head. "No, ma'am. Nothing's wrong. It's just that the letter of recommendation and the telegram said Dr. Whitcomb. And you're not exactly what comes to mind when I picture a female college professor:"
    Responding to his grin, she raised a brow, inviting him to explain.
    He shrugged. "Let's just say you're a mite more ... stylish than most of us had envisioned. In a good way, though;' he added quickly. His gaze took in her vest and lace jabot. "Don't hear me complaining. You're just not what I was expecting, that's all:"
    His comment was an honest one, and while she sensed approval in his demeanor, Molly also felt a prick of guilt, considering the underlying truth of his statement.
    "Sheriff, we're ready to head on, if you are:" Lewis approached, leading two horses. "It'll be dark soon:" He glanced toward the ledge where the carriage had gone over, defeat lining his features. "I'll come back tomorrow, see what can be salvaged from the wreckage. For what it's worth, Sheriff, you did the right thing ... cutting that luggage loose. However much it's gonna cost me:'
    James put his hand on Lewis's shoulder, and Molly was struck by how natural a gesture it seemed coming from him. Even though, judging from appearances, Lewis was the older man.
    "How heavy was that carriage loaded, Lewis?" James's gaze was steady.
    "Too heavy, Sheriff." Lewis looked away. "I already had a full load when Tolliv-" He shook his head and glanced back to where Tolliver and Daggett sat astride the other two horses. "In the end, sir, it was my fault. And I'm sorry." He looked at Molly. "I ask your pardon, ma'am, for puttin' you in danger like I did. For puttin' us all in danger. It was foolish and it won't happen again."
    Molly nodded her acceptance of his apology, finding words unfitting for the moment. She thought of her satchel and its contents at the bottom of the ravine-some clothing and personal items, the magazine she'd saved. But the loss paled when compared to what it could have been, and she was glad now that her trunks hadn't been on board.
    Lewis gestured. "One of the mares has a

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