Be My Baby
Gina. My head is spinning. I will call him though. You’re right
about that. I’ll let him know that I just got here and am spending
the night. It is okay if I stay here tonight?”
    “Absolutely, Ty. You don’t even need to ask
that question.”
    “I don’t have my clothes or anything
    “Do you want me to ask Trey to bring some to
    “No! I can’t look at him right now. Will you
go and get some from the house tomorrow? I can watch Reese for
    “You got it,” she said smiling. “Everything
is going to be okay, Ty.”
    I wasn’t sure of that at all. I had felt
disconnected from Trey for the last couple of months. I had blamed
that on my pregnancy and then the subsequent loss of the baby.
Maybe it was more than that.
    He had obviously been fascinated with the
new junior partner in the firm. He had explained it away as taking
her under his wing because she was just a few years younger than
him. The bottom line was that he had spent more and more time at
the office and worked less and less at home.
    I wondered what might have happened had Trey
not spied me at the window this afternoon. Perhaps Amber would have
continued her seductive quest with my husband. Perhaps he would
have succumbed to her charms. He certainly hadn’t been getting his
needs met at home the past couple of months. He had reminded me of
that fairly often. We hadn’t made love since I had lost the baby.
He hadn’t even made overtures when my six weeks had been up two
weeks ago.
    I finished my wine still lost in thought.
Gina had left the kitchen to take care of Reese who had awakened
from his nap. It brought pain to see a baby right now. I hadn’t
even objected when Susan had offered to take Preston for a couple
of weeks. Trey had looked at me curiously. He was surprised when I
didn’t hesitate in accepting her offer.
    My Blackberry was done charging. I picked it
up hitting Trey’s name. He picked up immediately.
    “Tylar,” he breathed, “Where are you?”
    “I stopped by Gina’s. She told me you had
called here looking for me.”
    "Baby, I've been going crazy trying to get
in touch with you. I need to explain Tylar; I need to let you know
what happened."
    "Trey," I interrupted, "I was there,
remember? I know exactly what happened. There is no plausible
explanation for you to give me about what happened. It's been a
long time coming I think."
    "What are you talking about Tylar? How can
you possibly say that to me?"
    "Because it's the truth Trey. Because it is
my style to speak the truth."
    "And what exactly is the truth?"
    "Trey you hit it off with Amber. In some
ways, she is a female version of you. She is beautiful, smart,
talented, and has a passion for the law - the same as you do. We
have little in common, Trey; I hate to point this out but it's
obvious our connection has been a sexual one. That doesn't
necessarily make for a successful long-term relationship."
    "How in the hell can you say that to
    He was livid. I wasn't sure why. It all made
perfect sense to me. Our relationship was built on a house of
cards. I thought back to its inception: a near death experience for
me; a handsome rescuer who found me 'intriguing' at the moment. A
lot had transpired for both of us since then. Perhaps he no longer
found me a mystery to be solved. Perhaps I had been a pleasurable
diversion from his very orderly, professional, career-oriented
    "Amber is the type of woman you are supposed
to end up with Trey. Not someone like me. This has all been a
diversion from reality - for both of us. I've made arrangements to
spend some time with my father. I'm leaving tomorrow."
    "No Tylar. You are not running from this. We
are going to work this out dammit!"
    "I'm sorry, Trey. You're not getting your
way this time. I will be in touch once Preston returns from your
parents' house. We need to work something out with respect to her.
I need this time for me. I need to heal."
    I pressed the 'end' button before he had

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