Natasha's Legacy
shirt from the wardrobe.
    Standing in the office, he talked to Tom
while keeping an eye out the window. When Sarah arrived, Alex
stepped onto the porch and looked at the heavens.
    “Please. Help me find the courage and
strength to speak with intelligence.” He took a deep breath and
then walked to her. Assisting Sarah from her buggy, her long
chestnut brown hair blew around her face. That would have bothered
Elaine but didn’t seem to concern Sarah. Her carefree attitude was
a refreshing change. Having seen Sarah with her hair tied back and
an apron covering her blouse and skirt, he took a moment to admire
her appearance. Her long, dark skirt and frilly, cream blouse
emphasized her curves.
    She’s even more attractive.
How is that possible? Once inside the orphanage, he pointed
to the office where Tom was working at the desk.
    After a quick greeting, Alex led Sarah across
the hall and opened the door. His parents, grandfather, and
Izabella were in the study room. Since it was customary to allow
people making a donation to see the children, they looked over and
smiled. My family will assume Sarah’s a
    The tour of the main level continued before
he took Sarah up the main staircase. Two children were in the
medical area, lying in bed, and three babies were in the nursery.
After giving Sarah a few minutes to admire the infants, they went
up the steps to the third floor.
    “I have never seen so many beds. The area is
    “It’s imperative the room is kept in order.
With the number of children in our care, Poppa insists they are
taught manners and have responsibilities. The older children are
expected to make their beds.”
    “How many beds are there?”
    “There are twenty-five in each section plus
the cribs.
    Her jaw dropped as her eyes opened even
wider. “Fifty children?”
    Alex nodded. “That’s not normal, but yes,
it’s possible. Over the years we have come close to filling the
beds, but thankfully, children have been adopted. We’ve never
turned a child away.”
    Alex led her back to the staircase. Sarah
gripped the material of her skirt, pulling it up slightly. “I had
not expected a thorough tour of the building. The medical staff
must find it challenging to tend to the children.”
    “Under normal circumstances, tours do not
include the second or third floor.” After descending the first set
of stairs, he turned and headed for the addition. “We have strict
policies for the staff and volunteers. Tom and the medical staff
have authorization to the second and third floor, but the
volunteers don’t. They’re restricted to designated rooms on the
main floor.”
    At the end of the hallway, Alex reached into
his pocket for his key.
    “Neither Tom nor the medical staff have
access to the addition.” He unlocked the door. “This is the
entrance to my home.” A slight smile appeared on her face. “The
addition was added shortly after my parents were married. This is
my parents’ room.” Alex pointed to the open door.
    Sarah stood at the doorway and looked inside.
Alex looked in, seeing the room from her perspective. His parents’
bedroom was tastefully decorated with a double bed, two wardrobes,
a writing desk, and two chairs on either side of the window. There
was a small table beside the second window with a vase of fresh
flowers making the centrepiece. Pictures of family members covered
a small portion of the wall. The spacious room had a beautiful
breeze coming in, and his parents enjoyed a view of the
    “It is a large, comfortable room.”
    “Yes. The room was designed for my parents.
They are both only children and they appreciate the space. Momma
more so than Poppa.” Alex stepped away from the door and walked
farther down the hall. He opened the next door. “Momma’s sewing
room, previously known as the nursery.”
    The room was strewn with sewing supplies and
clothes in need of mending. They continued down the hall.
    “My room.” Alex remained in the

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