Be My Baby
chance to respond. This was non-negotiable. I fell asleep on the
sofa exhausted. I heard Tristan come in late; Gina was waiting for
him in the kitchen. I could tell that she was filling him in on
what had happened.
    I heard him raise his voice; I think I heard
him refer to Trey as a spoiled, self-righteous son-of-a-bitch. Gina
instructed him to stay out of it. If I knew Tristan he would be
giving Trey his two cents' worth very shortly.
    Tristan drove me to the airport the
following afternoon. Gina was busy with Reese so he suggested it.
Gina had gone back to our house and packed my suitcase along with
Preston’s clothes while Trey was at work. She had brought my phone
charger and I-Pad with her.
    She had told me that Jean was beside herself
trying to figure out why I hadn’t been home all night. She
commented that she had heard Trey up most of the night pacing his
floor and on his phone.
    Gina said that she didn’t feel it was her
place to put our personal stuff out there to Jean; she explained
that I needed to spend some time with my father.
    “Well certainly,” Jean had responded. “The
poor thing has been through quite a bit. It has been a strain on
them both. I can see that."
    My thoughts were interrupted when Tristan
finally broke the silence in the car.
    "Tylar - Once again I find the need to
apologize to you for my brother's behavior."
    I looked over at his handsome face; a
slightly older version of Trey's face yet there was something
different. Tristan's face held a look of compassion that I hadn't
seen before in Trey's face; at least not that I could recall.
    "Tristan," I replied softly, "It is not your
place to apologize for Trey. Besides I am partially to blame for
    "How do you figure?"
    "Well my pregnancy was pretty rough on
Trey," I explained. "I wasn't able to 'accommodate' him like
    I could feel myself blush profusely; I could
feel the penetrating look that Tristan was giving me. He pulled his
car over to the side of the road and shut off the ignition. I
reluctantly looked over at him. His emerald green eyes were
watching me trying to comprehend my response.
    "Tylar for Chrissake - are
you justifying Trey's behavior in some way? Your pregnancy was
rough on you sweetheart. You were tired and ill; I was around too you
know? If that son-of-a bitch couldn't go without it for a few
months without striking up some flirtatious fantasy with a female
colleague to assuage his inflated ego then he should have come to
big brother for advice!"
    Tristan was on a roll. It was plain to see
that he was furious with Trey.
    "What advice would you have given him,
    "I would have told him to spend some time
with 'Rosy Palm' and her five ugly sisters in the privacy of his
    I started to giggle when he said that. Only
Tristan could phrase it like that. I could picture him telling Trey
that, too.
    I looked back over at him and he was smiling
    "I appreciate your support on this Tristan,
but I don't want it interfering with your relationship with Trey,
    "Too late for that," he said, starting the
car back up and pulling out into traffic.
    "Besides it's not as if Trey cheated
sexually on me; it was the emotional part - the kiss - that crushed
me. It sent a signal about our lack of intimacy. It has made me
question as to whether we are really suited for one another."
    "Sweetie, for right now please try to not
'over-think' any of this okay? You need this time away from him to
reflect and heal. Don't come to hasty conclusions."
    "Okay Tristan. You're right. Thanks for
being you."


    My father was waiting for me at the baggage
claim carousels when I arrived. I immediately flew into his
    He held me close to him; talking soothingly
to me. It was the first time that I knew how it felt to me consoled
by a parent. I liked the feeling of safeness that it

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