Be My Baby
gave me.
    We talked on the way back to his estate. I
was taken aback when he told me that he had called Trey.
    "You didn't threaten to punch him out or
anything did you, Dad?"
    Secretly I was hoping that is exactly what
he had done. That would be such a 'father' thing to do it
    "No Tylar, I simply told him that I felt it
was appropriate under the circumstances for you to spend some time
here to rest, relax and gain some perspective on the
    (Hmmm - that sounded a bit to me like my
father was trying to diffuse 'the situation'. Did he think I had
    "What did Trey say?"
    "He concurred. He genuinely wants you to
feel better; he wanted me to convey to you that he will take care
of Preston until you're ready to come back. He wants you to focus
on feeling better physically and emotionally. He said you are to
pamper yourself."
    (Pamper myself? What did Trey fucking think
this was, a weekend at the spa?)
    "You know Dad, I think Trey is right. I
could use some pampering. It sounds just like what the doctor
ordered. Is Edie still at the house?"
    "Yes, why?"
    "Can I borrow her tomorrow to run some
errands with me in the city?"
    "Certainly. Any of the staff is at your
disposal, daughter."
    "Thanks, Dad." I smiled.
    I liked Edie. She was only a year or so
older than I was and we had clicked from the first time we met. She
had hated Ms. Deeny as well so we had one thing in common right
from the get.
    The next morning after my father had left
for court I phoned a limo service in Baton Rouge. I had told Edie
the night before that she was at my disposal the following day. She
had laughed saying it sounded like we were going to have some
    "You're right about that girlfriend," I had
responded in 'Gina style.'
    We climbed into the limo at 10:00 a.m. and
headed for a luxury day spa in Baton Rouge. Once there, I handed
Edie one of the spa menus.
    "Pick anything you want Edie, my treat," I
    "Oh Tylar no," she replied shaking her head,
"I wouldn't feel right about it. I work for the judge."
    "We aren't spending the judge's money Edie.
We're spending my husband's money which according to him is mine as
well. So have at it."
    "Well alright then," she giggled.
    We both went for the 60 minute hot stone
massage, followed by the body scrub. I then selected a facial mask
while Edie went with the massage moisture facial. We were then
waxed, manicured and pedicured. We finished up with getting eyelash
extensions. The total bill with tip: $1200.00.
    (I was feeling better already!)
    Our next stop was an upscale hair salon
called Jean-Claude's
    Edie was all for getting her highlights
re-done. I was going for a totally new look altogether. I perused
through multiple magazines until I found the hair style I wanted. I
then asked to see hair swatches so the colorist could match my
color exactly to the one that I selected. No more blondish-brown
highlights for me. I heard brunettes were having fun these days -
with other women's men.
    When we were finished, Edie's hair had
undergone a tune-up while mine had gone through a complete
    "Oh my God," Edie shrieked. "You look so
different Tylar."
    "That's the look I was going for Edie."
    My hair was a dark chestnut brown that fell
above my shoulders now. It was blunt cut in the back and angled at
the sides. It looked exactly like Amber's hair.
    We then went shopping at Dillard's. I bought
two new pairs of boots; five pairs of skinny jeans, four new
sweaters, a couple of cotton tee shirts, a new winter jacket and
assorted lingerie, jewelry and make-up. By this time, Edie was
feeling too self-conscious about my spending money on her. I
finally forced her to get a pair of jeans and a sweater.
    The limo was waiting for us outside to take
us back to the estate. The driver had chilled champagne and cold
appetizers waiting for us. We enjoyed both on the ride back.
    "Wow," Edie said, "I can't believe you spent
that much money today Tylar. I am really appreciative of

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