Ax to Grind
shirt in the winter than I do of getting you to leave this case alone.”
    “Mom, I promise to be careful.”
    “You’re better be, especially with Connor hanging around.  If he finds out you’re a witch, he might become disenchanted with your relationship in a hurry.”
    Beth had only ever told one person outside the family that she was a witch—her husband.  She immediately regretted it.  Instead of responding with understanding, Beth’s husband became paranoid that she had cast a love spell. 
    In time, his paranoia got the better of him.  He ended up leaving Beth.  Even now, thirty-two years later, she still hadn’t gotten over it.  Not only that, she feared the same fate for her daughter. 
    “Mom, I assure you, no one is going to find out our secret.”
    “Don’t make promises unless you can keep them.”
    Meg gazed deep into her mother’s eyes.  “I promise.”
    Beth took a deep breath.  “Good luck.”
    “Everything is going to be fine.  Don’t worry.”
    Beth couldn’t help but laugh at that statement. 
    “That’s not likely.  Worrying is what mothers do best.”
    Meg gave her mom a big hug. 
    “I love you,” Meg said.

    Chapter Eleven
    Before Meg could get working on this case, she had to straighten out her thoughts.  There were so many things swirling around in her mind.  Not to mention, suspects were not in short supply.  She decided to run down the list in an attempt to untie the knots in her head. 
    First on the list was Owen Goodman.  Owen was the director of the musical.  He’d been with the show from the very beginning.  Over the years, Owen had passed up a handful of other opportunities in bigger cities because this show was his baby and he couldn’t imagine anyone else directing it.  Owen was so devoted to the show that his long hours at the theater caused the crumbling of his marriage.  With the show canceled, Owen was an over-the-hill director with no job prospects who had just lost the thing he cared the most about.  When a person’s livelihood was threatened, they often did crazy things.  In Owen’s case, did things turn deadly? 
    Next on the list was Nate McMillan.  Nate was the aging, longtime owner of the Enchanted Theater.  After running the place for over forty years, he was ready to retire and sold the theater with the verbal assurance that Ethan Wakefield would keep the show running.  Ethan not only betrayed him, but the legacy Nate had built up over the last four decades.  As a matter of fact, Ethan barely waited for the ink to dry on the sale before going back on his word and canceling the show.  Betrayal was one of the most common motives for murder.  Was that the case this time as well?
    Vanessa McMillan made the list as well.  Vanessa wasn’t just Nate’s daughter; she was also the writer of the musical.  While her father owned the theater, she was on top of the world.  Not only had she authored a hit show, but she never had to worry about job security.  All that changed when Ethan took over.  Suddenly, the rug was pulled out from under her.  She was out of a job and left comforting a bitter father who’d been coldly betrayed.  Had Vanessa set out for revenge? 
    Sebastian Brown was also on the list.  Sebastian was the lead actor in the musical.  That wasn’t all.  He was also engaged to Daphne Scott, who just happened to be Ethan Wakefield’s ex-wife.  Ethan made no secret that he hated not only the musical but also the fact that his ex-wife was now dating a much younger man.  Sebastian bared the brunt of that hatred.  Had he retaliated by murdering Ethan?
    Daphne Scott was next on the list.  Daphne was both the producer of the show and Ethan’s ex-wife.  Ex’s rarely got along, but in Daphne’s case, Ethan seemed to hold a special grudge.  Part of that was because Daphne was the one to leave him.  The other part was that Daphne had taken up with a younger man.  Ethan found a way to

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