Ax to Grind
get his revenge by canceling the show, putting both Daphne and her fiancé on the unemployment line.  Did Daphne seek deadly revenge of her own?
    Also on the list was Wyatt Wakefield.  Wyatt was Ethan’s underachieving son.  He had a disaffected streak in him and openly hated his stepmother.  That rancor was only made worse by the fact that he was an aspiring playwright and his father had chosen to stage his stepmom’s play instead of his.  Had the bitter family rivalry turned deadly?
    Finally, there was Paige Wakefield.  Paige was Ethan’s third wife.  When Ethan bought the theater, he declared that “Enchanted Nights” would be replaced by a serious play that Paige had written.  On a professional note, Paige seemed to get exactly what she wanted.  On a personal note, Paige was constantly at odds with her stepson Wyatt.  Were there cracks in Ethan and Paige’s marriage driven by the wedge between Paige and her stepson, or was there another motive entirely? 
    One thing was clear.  There were plenty of questions to be answered.  It was time to get down to business. 

Chapter Twelve
    Connor was still fixated on how good his donut tasted when Meg turned her focus to the task at hand. 
    “All right.  Time to take a look at that crime scene,” Meg said.  
    That comment was enough to get Connor to shake off his donut haze in a hurry.
    “Have you forgotten who is calling the shots here?” Connor asked. 
    “Fine.  Call the shots, as long as that first shot is heading over to the crime scene.”
    “That’s a waste of time.  My men have already gone over the entire area.”
    “True, but I haven’t.”
    Connor folded his arms.  “What do you think you’re going to find that my men didn’t?”
    Now was time for some creative lying.  With one spell, Meg could scan the entire scene in microscopic detail, maybe picking up on things the police had overlooked.  The problem was, she couldn’t tell Connor that without revealing she was a witch. 
    Hence, some verbal gymnastics.  “I just want to try and visualize everything.” 
    He exhaled.  “There’s a killer on the loose and half a dozen suspects to question.  There’s no reason to head over to the scene.  All my men found there were the body and the pick ax.” 
    “Hey, you don’t have to come.  I’m happy to investigate on my own.”
    He shook his head.  “You’re lucky I’m falling for you.  If anyone else said something like that to me, I’d detain them for interfering with an official police investigation.”
    “Does that mean you’ll take me to the scene?”
    He chuckled with disbelief.  “You’re just relentless, aren’t you?”
    “How do you think I solved the last case?” Meg asked. 
    “No wonder the suspects all hated you.”
    “It’s a good thing I don’t care about making friends with murder suspects.  Now, are we going to head to the crime scene, or not?”
    He stopped her.  “Just one thing first.”
    “What’s that?”
    “What do you think you’re going to find there?”
    “I don’t know.  I just have a hunch.”
    He stared deep into her eyes. 
    “You really are a one-of-a-kind woman, aren’t you?” Connor commented. 
    “I sure hope so.  I’d hate to find out there’s another feisty, whimsical, donut shop owner turned sleuth out there somewhere,” she joked. 
    Connor drove Meg to the crime scene but decided to stay in the car.  He just didn’t see any point in getting out.  That was fine with Meg.  Casting spells in earshot of her boyfriend would be a tricky task, but with Connor sitting in the car, paying attention to the police scanner, Meg was free to cast a spell in peace. 
    She closed her eyes, then whispered in Latin under her breath.  When she opened her eyes, the spell had given her eagle-eyed vision.  It was incredible what details she could see all of a sudden. 
    Ethan Wakefield had

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