forgotten either. That kiss has haunted me,” he said truthfully. The remembrance of her lips beneath his had fueled many fantasies. But that was over a month ago. He needed more.
“How will you tell if it’s affected me?”
“You’ll tell me.” She was going to agree. His heart thumped with the possibility. “So what do you say?”
“I can’t believe this,” she muttered. “All right. One kiss. That’s it. You keep your hands to yourself.”
“I can’t kiss you if I can’t hold you.” He thought quickly. “Sit on my lap. I’ll keep my hands on the floor.”
Her irritation was palatable. “Fine. Let’s just get it over with.” She waited for him to press his hands palm down onto the floor before straddling him. She shot him a glare as she came into contact with the thick bar of his erection. She adjusted herself so that she was no longer covering his cock.
“Sorry. Damn, no I’m not. You affect me that way.” He lifted his mouth to hers. She didn’t pull away but made no attempt to meet him halfway. “By the way,” he whispered, “I plan to use my tongue.” His lips touched hers and as with the last time, he felt an immediate electric connection with her. He tilted his head and painted the seam of her lips with his tongue. She denied him entry. He increased his pressure and tried again. He groaned as she continued to resist. “God, Myst, open to me,” he muttered against her lips. It was a demand, not a plea. His voice was thick with lust and he couldn’t control it. She brought out the predator in him.
She obeyed and he thrust his tongue inside to taste her. She moaned and fitted her mouth more closely with his. The sound of her pleasure made him want to come in his pants. He arched his hips and she slid forward, slamming into contact with his throbbing dick. He swallowed her cry. He hoped it was pleasure and not shock that caused her to make that sound.
His tongue was wild in her mouth. He wanted to taste every inch of her. He wanted to strip her bare, suck her nipples, lick her sweet pussy. Her hands gripped his shoulders and she moved on him, dry humping him. God, he wanted to fuck her, drive his cock as deep into her tight pussy as possible.
He dug his hands into the carpeting to keep his promise not to touch her. The kiss went on and on. The room was filled with the sounds of their heightened breathing and their moans. He knew he had to call a stop to this soon. He was going to come in his pants. He pulled back and she followed him, her hands cupping his cheeks.
Finally, he ripped his mouth away. “Shit,” he growled. “Let me fuck you.”
She reacted as though he’d slapped her, jerking and dropping her hands from his face. “N-no.”
He dropped his head onto the seat of the couch. He knew he could convince her but she would regret it once the passion of the moment had cooled. “You have to be the most frustrating woman I’ve ever met.” She moved. He gripped her thighs. “No.” He pinned her with his gaze. “Now tell me, did you like my kiss?” Her lips were swollen and red from the intensity of their make out session. “Did it make you hot?”
“Let me go and I’ll answer you.”
“So you can lie about it?”
“No, because I want off of you.”
He grinned. “You seemed to enjoy it a moment ago. Why can’t you just admit it?”
“Fuck you.”
He laughed. “Then we’re in agreement.” She made a move to stand and he grabbed her small waist. “Mystique, you want me. Your breathing is accelerated. Your nipples are hard. And I’ll bet a year’s salary that your pussy is wet.”
“You’re infuriatingly full of yourself.” She shoved at his shoulders. Her cheeks were flushed a becoming pink. He didn’t know if it was embarrassment or anger heightening her color. Whatever the reason, she was anything but apathetic towards him.
“That must be infuriating to you since you want to be full of me.” She gave a disgusted cry and struggled to free
Permuted Press, Jessica Meigs