eyes for the angry barrage of words sure to follow her declaration.
Silence greeted her. “Then give in to him.”
“What? That’s your solution? Tie myself to him?” She began to pace.
“No. I suggest that you purge yourself of your feelings for him. You think you’re his one. Maybe you are. Most likely you are not. The best way to rid yourself of him is to sleep with him.”
“You’re letting your experience color your advice.”
“You want him. My solution is best. You both get what you want and go your separate ways.”
Mystique noticed that her mother’s plan didn’t take her feelings into account. She dare not ask what would happen if she fell in love with a witch. Meadow wouldn’t see that as a possibility. “Thanks for your help,” she said, disconnecting the call. “I don’t know why I bother,” she muttered.
Mystique paced her trailer, the hair stylist following her around trying to do her hair. She’d sat down five times already but found herself bounding out of her seat within minutes. Today they were shooting the first love scene. Nerves had her stomach so tied in knots that she hadn’t been able to eat all day.
“Please, miss, if you could sit for two minutes, I’ll be done.”
“Sorry,” she murmured to Janelle. She sat and gripped the arms of her chair to keep herself in it. She bit her lip. Janelle was as good as her word, finishing up in less than the promised two minutes. Her hair had been flat ironed and fell in a shiny curtain around her shoulders. “Thank you. Sorry I was such an ordeal today.”
Janelle grinned, showing her dimples. “It’s okay. I’d be nervous too if I was getting my freak on with Sean Savage.”
She blanched. The makeup artist was next. Jeffrey was in a huff that he’d had to wait so long and made no attempt to hide it. She apologized but it didn’t seem to soften him up any. She sighed and concentrated on not fidgeting.
Jeffrey leaned back to survey his work when he was done. “Damn, I’m good.” He picked up his supplies. “Knock ‘em dead. I’ll be around if you need a touch up.”
The scene called for him to back her into a wall and kiss her. Only this movie was going to be lucky to be rated R from the way he kept going at h er. H e kept grabbing her ass and grinding his blatant erection right into her. Steven had given up on giving him directions as to how to hold her and kiss her. They had been filming for some time to get the kiss from various angles. This wasn’t her first onscreen kiss, but it was certainly the first time it had felt so real. Even with an audience, Sean made her feel like it was only the two of them in the room.
She was going up in flames as he ate at her mouth. Her sex was molten and dripping for him. Occasionally, he would forget and penetrate her with his tongue. She barely contained her moans.
Sean undressed her several times. They took breaks to fix her hair and makeup and to follow them to the bedroom. In this scene, it was her home so the room was frilly and full of white lace. The beach house was rented. All the furnishings were props that they had brought in for filming.
She felt like a punch drunk boxer in a daze as she situated herself in bed and watched Sean strip in front of her. He had no issues with onscreen nudity. His backside was to the camera. He was covered in the front for her modesty.
In the film all the action would be continuous. In reality, she was carefully staged to look as though she were bare. Her makeup was retouched. Lighting checks were performed.
For a change, Sean wasn’t grinning as he covered her and slid between her thighs. There were fewer people onset. The sizzle between the two of them was tangible. He held himself above her until the cameras started rolling. He fitted himself to her, and as he’d warned her, he was as hard as steel. The sheets were arranged so that the sides of their hips were visible. She wore a high thong with ties on the sides. It