reptilian or dragon-like. Vicious teeth lined its large mouth and the tail looked like a razor sharp whip. It slunk to Allie and sat by her knee. Zeb reached down to pick it up but Weasel rose up on its hind legs. Two inch-long spikes stood erect along its spine and it bared shiny teeth while emitting a low growl.
He stepped away, warned off by his own creation. Only then did the creature drop down and sidle closer to Allie, pressing into the folds of her skirt.
“It seems you have a new friend, Allie,” Jared remarked.
Friday, 22 nd July.
nce Zeb accepted his creature wouldn’t let him anywhere near, Weasel took up residence in the library. Allie suspected it didn’t want to be shoved in his satchel and squashed by text books, but held her own council. The little critter followed her around the library and growled in warning when it sensed anyone approaching. Her grandfather had raised his bushy eyebrows, given a deep sigh, and pretended to ignore the strange animal, although he issued a dire warning. Should it start chewing on his beloved books, he would flatten it with an encyclopaedia and turn it into a toast rack.
The week dragged and Allie avoided any further confrontation in the corridors by being quick on her feet. Twice Madeline and Hamilton tried to trip her up but with faster reflexes, she skipped over the outstretched limbs.
Once again she occupied her grandfather’s chair to read, while Eloise researched some new biology experiment her hyperactive brain dreamed up. Something involving the hind leg from a dog, killed in a stable accident earlier that morning. Allie managed to convince her friend to leave the limb in the alchemy lab, but doubted it would languish there for long.
This afternoon Weasel lay stretched out across the desk blotter. The small head nestled on its metal front paws, immobile, only the ears rotated every few seconds monitoring its surroundings. There was a pause in movement, and then both ears swivelled toward the library door. A faint growl emitted and then rising, it leapt to the floor to sit by Allie’s chair.
The library door banged and Allie looked up from the alert Weasel to see Jared, Zeb, and Eloise come to a halt in front of the desk where she reclined. Allie paused, mid-bite of her apple. Uh-oh, the aristocracy are mobilising against me.
“Is it time for a room search already?” she quipped. Jared spent the last four days prowling around in her footsteps. Despite his offer to stop following her around, he didn’t appear able to help himself. Allie couldn’t figure out if he suspected she would draw a blade and lunge at a passing student, or if he protected her from them. She only knew Newgate Prison contained more relaxed guards.
“We’re off to the dining hall and you’re coming along,” Jared said, ignoring her jib. “Eloise tells me you haven’t been going and you’re not eating properly.”
Allie held up the apple in her hand. “I am eating.”
One of his black eyebrows arched as he crossed his arms over his chest. “That’s not a meal,” he pointed out.
Zeb peered around the desk, trying to sneak up on his creation. Allie smiled as Weasel hissed at its supposed master and ducked further under the large piece of furniture.
“It’s a meal in Egypt and I’ve learnt to survive on less.” She shot a look at Eloise. “I thought we were friends but you appear to have sold me out.”
Eloise’s hazel eyes widened in distress. “I did not sell you out! I’m concerned about you. Our friendship won’t survive if you collapse from hunger. I don’t know what your issue is with the dining room.”
“I thought you were just waiting for me to collapse, to give you an opportunity to try your electrodes on something bigger.”
“Dog first, I’m working my way up to you.” Eloise took the book out of Allie’s hands, placed the marker at her page and dropped it onto the desk. Allie refused to budge her feet off the blotter.
“I’m afraid I
Massimo Carlotto, Antony Shugaar