Executive Intent

Read Executive Intent for Free Online

Book: Read Executive Intent for Free Online
Authors: Dale Brown
made a brief glance at the Hornet but then looked straight ahead again. The weapons officer stopped gesturing and seemed frozen in surprise. “Are you getting the picture yet, boys?” the Hornet pilot said. But the JH-37 did not alter course. “Okay, we’ll try—”
    And at that instant the lead Hornet pilot saw a brief burst of heavy machine-gun fire from the right-side cannon, the reverberations of that cannon fire rumbling through space and easily felt in the Hornet. “Bastard fired his cannon!” the leader reported. “Felt like a thirty-mike.” He didn’t need a reminder to stay away from the Chinese fighter’s nose, but he got one anyway.
    â€œFive minutes, Timber,” the wingman said. “How ’bout I buzz him?”
    â€œI don’t want you within range of that cannon. It’s gotta be a thirty-millimeter.”
    â€œThen how about I do a handstand on his ass?”
    The leader thought about it for a moment, then said, “Okay, c’mon in.”
    The wingman shut down the radar lock, moved his weapons switch back to “SAFE,” then descended and closed in on the Chinese fighter. The leader moved away from the fighter. “Little more…little more…down a touch…” the leader said, directing his wingman closer until he was directly above and slightly ahead of the Chinese attack plane. “Okay, Lego, hit ’em.”
    The wingman abruptly raised his nose almost to vertical and fed in full afterburner power, directing his jet blast directly down on the Chinese fighter from just a few yards away. That did the trick. The JH-37 looked as if it had completely stopped flying, and it started a drastic wobbly descent.
    â€œHow does that feel, bitch?” For a moment the Hornet leader was afraid the JH-37 wasn’t going to recover, but after nearly flat-spinning and descending a couple thousand feet or so, it finally stabilized. It was off-heading perhaps twenty degrees, but its course was still aimed in the direction of the USS Bush . “Lego, c’mon back around, radio home plate that the bandit is still heading in and request permission to shoot.”
    The Hornet leader descended slightly and slowed to keep the JH-37 in sight. It was now about thirty degrees offset, but it definitely wasn’t reversing course. “Don’t make me spank you, buddy,” the Hornet leader said to himself. “Bring it around or I’ll—”
    And at that instant his jaw dropped open, his eyes bulged, and his mouth turned instantly dry…because the large missile on the JH-37’s left wing dropped into space, the engine ignited with a tremendous tongue of yellow fire, and it shot ahead with a massive glob of fire and a trail of white smoke. Seconds later, the second antiship missile dropped free and launched as well!
    â€œHoly shit … home plate, home plate, Hydra One-Two-One, Vampire, Vampire, Vampire!” he shouted on the number one radio, using the brevity code “vampire” for launch of an enemy antiship missile. “Two Vampires in the air! Lego, I’m clearing to the east and high, nail this bastard!”
    â€œTwo cleared in hot…fox two!” Seconds later, the AIM-9 Sidewinder missile hit the Chinese fighter, sending it out of control and spinning into the South China Sea.
    â€œScramble, scramble, scramble, ASM launch detected, scramble, scramble, scramble!” blared the loudspeakers aboard the USS Lake Champlain, a Ticonderoga -class guided-missile cruiser escorting the USS George H. W. Bush . The cruiser’s AN/SPY-1B multifunction Aegis radar system detected the missile launches moments before the frantic radio call from the F/A-18 Hornet pilot was received.
    Because they had been closely monitoring the Hornet intercept of the Chinese aircraft, both the ship’s captain and the tactical action officer were at their stations in the

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