groaned. She sank back onto
him then moved again, riding him slowly, picking up the pace until they were
both out of breath.
He reached up and plucked at her nipples then raised his
head so he could suck one into his mouth. Her sweet taste danced on his tongue,
and he growled, wanting more.
Willow moved up and threw her head back, her breasts
bouncing as she rode him. He gripped her hips and moved his own, thrusting into
her with all his strength. She looked down and met his gaze, his name a whisper
on her lips as the walls of her pussy clamped down on him, her orgasm taking
her over. His balls tightened, and that surge of sensation shot down his spine
as he came within her, spilling his seed and filling her.
She kept moving her hips, milking him until, finally, she
collapsed on top of him, their heartbeats synced together, their wolves howling
at their closeness. All Jasper could do was wrap his arms around her and kiss her
“I don’t think it’s ever been that good,” he rasped out.
“We’ll just have to practice again to make sure. You know,
just in case.”
He chuckled, even as his cock hardened within her. “I think
I’m up for that.”
She rolled her eyes at his not-so-subtle joke but took his
lips in a sweet kiss.
“I’ve missed you,” she whispered.
He swallowed hard, tears threatening to fill his eyes. “Me
too, Willow. Me too.”
Chapter Four
Edward Jamenson paused in the middle of the sentence he’d
been trying to read and looked down at his two-year-old granddaughter.
Brie had her tiny fist full of half-eaten cookie, waving it
in his direction. He smiled at the one pigtail still up on top of her head. The
other one Pat had put in her hair that morning was long gone. Now a little
tangle of brown hair seemed to be in its place.
He leaned down and nibbled on the edge of the sugar cookie.
She’d left part of it clear from her mouth, so it wasn’t as damp as it could
have been. With one last look at the texts he should have been reading, he
pulled away from his desk and held out his arms.
Brie scrambled onto his lap and stuck her nose in his neck.
He hugged her hard, that ache from not having babies this age of his own anymore
coming and going quickly. He wasn’t as bad as Pat when it came to missing their
children as babies, but he had his moments.
He kissed Brie’s cheek then moved so they were face to face.
She had his eyes. The same eyes of her father. The same eyes of his father.
She was a Jamenson through and through, and Edward would not
let anything happen to this little girl.
Nor would he let anything happen to any of his other
grandchildren who seemed to be growing in number almost daily.
“You’re sweeter than the cookie, princess.” She put her free
hand on his face, and he could hear the stubble from his beard scraping her
hand. He held back a curse that he hadn’t shaved that morning like he usually
did, but he’d been stressed.
Something was coming, something far worse than they’d been
through so far, and he didn’t know how to fix it.
Hence the reason he was studying the ancient texts the
elders had let him borrow. He needed to see if there was a way to take down a
demon from hell.
Right now, though, he didn’t want to think about any of
that. No, he wanted only to deal with the little ball of goodness and light in
his arms.
Brie stared at him and tilted her head, a movement so like
Jasper it made Edward blink. “You look sad, Grandpa.”
She kissed his nose, and his wolf, the strongest in the
Redwood Pack and one of the most dominant in the entire country, bowed his
head, the love for this little girl ignoring—at least for the moment—any
hierarchy and power it held.
“I’m not sad now that you’re here.” He didn’t lie, not then.
Brie and her cousins were the ones he was fighting for. He wanted to ensure
their futures and would do anything to make that happen.
Jasper and Willow were at the cabin and had been for