laughed, pulling him into his chest as he slapped him hard across the back. “I thought you’d set up shop back in San Francisco?”
Cal gave him a tentative smile. “Actually, Dylan has. He’s been part of the SFPD for about two years now, putting all that training to good use as a member of the SWAT detail.”
The guy frowned, giving him the once over before grinning as he tipped his head back, a gravelly laugh vibrating the air. “Bloody hell. Dylan said you two were twins, but…I guess I never thought I’d be one to fall for it. Always prided myself as being a details man. Noticing things others didn’t. And now that I’m closer, I can see a few minor differences. But damn, you two are damn near carbon copies of each other.” He extended his hand again. “Cal, right?”
Cal smiled, giving the man’s hand another healthy shake. “I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage.”
The man shrugged. “Dylan never was one to run off the mouth much, other than about you, Avery and Blake, that is. He could spend hours telling stories about the four of you. Sounds like you’re all pretty damn close. The name’s Peters. Brandon Peters.”
The name rang a bell, and Cal nodded in response. “You served those final eighteen months with Dyl. Were one of the men that saved his sorry ass. Can’t thank you and your team enough for that, even if Dylan still doesn’t see what a blessing it was.”
Brandon sobered slightly. “Tough losing Colin like that. The guy was like a brother to all of us, more so to Dylan. He doing any better?”
Cal sighed. “Physically, he’s fine. Emotionally…guess time will tell. Though there’s a spark of hope. Avery and his new wife Temperance are visiting Tempie’s little sister, Annie, this week, and Dylan’s got a prank all set up. Who knows, maybe it’s just what he needs to bring him out of that funk.”
Brandon chuckled. “You Smith brothers and your damn pranks. I swear Dylan would have had his ass kicked on a regular basis over his pranks if any of the guys had been willing to take him on. The guy’s just lucky he’s dangerous.”
“Dangerous or not, I’m betting he might just have met his match in the Dunnigan sisters.”
Brandon grinned again, motioning Cal over to the station coffee maker. “So what brings you out to Salem? Dylan said you lived in Europe.”
Cal groaned inwardly, accepting the Styrofoam cup Brandon offered him. This is where the pleasantries were sure to end. Once folks realized he wasn’t like his twin—that he made his living like the other Smith brothers—they generally pulled back. And seeing as he wasn’t famous like Avery, he rarely got the benefit of the doubt.
He took a fortifying breath. “Edinburgh, actually, but I was visiting the family for a few weeks. And I’m here because I got a call early this morning regarding a Ms. Jordan Harper. Seems she’s a guest of yours and has been asking for me.”
The lines around Brandon’s lips tightened, but he didn’t give Cal the usual scowl. “Ah, Ms. Harper. I was wondering if anyone was coming for her. She’s in the back. Let’s take a look at her file. I wasn’t on shift when they brought her in.”
He led the way over to his desk, flipping through a series of reports before smiling. “Here it is. Looks like they brought her in last night. Report says they tried for hours to get a name or number from her, but when she finally seemed to gain any kind of coherent moment, all she did was say your name, over and over. One of the officers found your information in her bag. And, well, here you are.” He looked up at Cal. “I hope it was okay that they called you.”
“Perfectly fine. I’ve known Jordan since she was three. I was just…surprised. I haven’t seen her for some time.”
“That accident with her brother I presume.”
Cal’s mouth gaped open before he had the good sense to shut it.
Brandon sighed. “There’s a lot of time spent waiting on maneuvers. We