Read SLAM HER for Free Online

Book: Read SLAM HER for Free Online
Authors: Jaxson Kidman
to the table where he had been sitting.
    I noticed he was gone too.
    Oh… shit…
    The other guy looked at me. “Darlin’. We’re ready to order.”
    “Slam,” he said. “I’m Knox. Your face tells me you have an idea of who we are. Keep it at that. So that’s going to be two burgers… with the works. How’s this place with burgers, darlin’?”
    “Uh, yeah,” I said. “I mean, they’re great. Made fresh. Not frozen.”
    “Good. Really good. Oh, and before I forget, let me get a chicken parm, to go, and make my burger to go. Slam is eating solo tonight. He’s got plans right here.”
    My head kept spinning. My heart kept racing.
    I needed to calm myself.
    From the corner of my eye I saw him. Slam. What a name. I knew it couldn’t have been his real name, right? Nobody would name their kid that. Then again, this guy…
    I had forced myself to forget his name the first time he told me it. This time, I would never forget it.
    He was like a monster stomping along the floor. His shoulders were so big, so round. His eyes dead set on me. I took a step back and he stopped right at me, towering over me.
    “Hey, babe,” he said.
    His voice was rough but felt like butter through my body. Everything ran down and sent a trembling feeling right between my thighs. I was almost a puddle because of two words.
    I stared up at him, turned and yet terrified.
    “Uh, hey,” I managed to get out.
    “I have everything ordered,” Knox said. “Got my food to go, and something for Ana.”
    I saw Slam grin and then he eyed me again. “Fresh round here, babe?”
    He moved his left hand and I saw his knuckles. They weren’t swollen, but definitely ripped up with cuts. He quickly grabbed a napkin and put his hands under the table.
    “I’ll be right back,” I said.
    I turned and hustled away toward the bar area. But then I made a quick turn and rushed out the side exit. I looked left to right but I didn’t see a thing. I took a few more steps and that’s when I saw a foot. On the other side of the alley, next to a dumpster. As I slowly approached I feared the worst. Slam had killed that guy from the other table. But why? It couldn’t have been because the guy slapped my ass, right? Slam wasn’t at the restaurant to defend me. Those guys were serious trouble. The entire group of them - Reaper’s Bastards - were all but trouble.
    I’m talking murderous trouble. They had members in prison for life. They had members dead. The ones alive were just waiting for their time to come. Either a bullet from an enemy or a set of handcuffs would set their future.
    When I saw that it was the guy that smacked my ass, I let out a gasp.
    But he wasn’t dead.
    He was just beaten up.
    He sat there, looking dazed. His nose and mouth were bloody. His shirt ripped halfway down his body. He reached for me with shaky hands.
    My mind played out the scene. If I called the police - or my father - then what? Slam would be taken away in cuffs. That would get another one of these guys off the street.
    “Who did this?” I asked the guy.
    “Someone passing by,” he said and coughed. He turned and spit blood on the ground and groaned. “Guy in a black hoodie. Took my wallet and keys. Slammed me off the wall…”
    “A black hoodie? You’re sure?”
    “I fucking saw what I saw!” the guy squealed at me.
    Then he broke down in tears.
    I ran back to the restaurant and went into the kitchen. I whispered to Hector that someone had gotten beaten up outside. He nodded and said he’d call for someone to help. I then left the kitchen and went to the table where the other asshole sat.
    I told him that his friend had been mugged outside.
    The guy exploded on me, asking me what kind of shit hole restaurant we were running. I tried to apologize but he spat fire at me, getting way too close for comfort. For a split second I caught myself wanting to say that his friend deserved it.
    Then I heard a booming sound and me and the asshole

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