Marrying Cade
around his neck. Cade’s kiss was all she’d dreamed of, and more. Her nipples peaked beneath the lace of her bra, pushing against his hard chest. His silky hair slid through her fingers and she breathed in the scent of sandalwood and warm man. The experience was so heady, her head swam and her legs trembled.
    “Signorina Melo.” She pulled away from Cade’s arms with a gasp.
    One of the drivers approached in the darkness. She quickly stepped back, swiping a hand over her lips as if to obliterate the evidence of his kiss.
    “What is it?” Her voice shook, and she couldn’t even remember the driver’s name. She could barely remember her own, truth be told.
    “One of the drivers…Benito.” The driver walked closer, raising his hands in apology. “He’s drunk.”
    Melo bit back the curse that automatically threatened to escape. There was no point in berating the driver about it. She hated people who shot the messenger. She rubbed her eyes wearily. Eighty guests to ferry back to the Fiori Hotel. And only three drivers. It meant they would all have to do double shifts. No, dammit, it meant she would have to do three.
    Cade stepped out of the shadows. “I can do it.”
    She felt her jaw gape open. “You? But you’re a guest…” Her family was very strong on protocol, everyone was supposed to be enjoying the party, not worrying about how to get the party guests home.
    “And you, Melo? Aren’t you supposed to be enjoying the party too?” He traced warm fingers down her arm, sending a flurry of goose bumps over her entire body. “Give me the keys.” It wasn’t a request; it was a command. “I told you I’d be keeping you company, I haven’t drunk a thing all night.” Warm lips trailed over her cheek. “I want to help. Let me.”

Chapter Four

    “Melo? Where’s my bikini?”
    Melo forced her eyelids open as her whirlwind of a sister rushed in and pulled open the curtains. She glanced at the alarm clock. Seven thirty. Four whole hours since she crawled into bed. She groaned. “Rosa, we don’t need to get ready for a couple of hours…”
    “Come on, Melo!” Rosa tugged at her arm. “I want to find my bikini and get my bag ready for the boat.” She planted her hands on her hips, a mutinous expression darkening her expression.
    Melo sighed, and sat up in bed. There was no talking to her sister in this mood. She climbed out, and shoved her feet into her slippers. “Where did you leave it?”
    When Rosa had returned from the shopping trip in Florence, she’d dumped her purchases in a mound in the corner of Melo’s room. Now she fell on them like a starving lioness bringing down a gazelle.
    “There it is!” Rosa raised a bag high. She rushed to the bed, and uploaded its contents on the warm gold cover, hands scrabbling. A hot pink, barely-there bikini dangled from her fingertips. “Isn’t it gorgeous?”
    Only Rosa would have the confidence to bare her curves in such an incendiary garment. “Yeah, gorgeous.”
    Melo’s throat was parched. She stripped and quickly pulled on her jeans and T-shirt. There was no way she was sitting here admiring Rosa’s purchases a moment longer. Not without coffee.
    “I got a great kaftan, too.” Rosa waved a pink and gold fragment in the air. “Thanks, Melo.”
    Like a demanding toddler, Rosa was all sunny smiles now she got what she wanted. She snatched up an armful and headed for the door.
    “Hey, you forgot something.” A couple of scraps of something white lay on Melo’s bed. She picked them up, fingers sliding over the smooth fabric.
    “That’s for you.” Rosa grinned. “And before you ask, no, I haven’t seen your black Speedo anywhere. You’ll have to wear it.” She trounced out of the door in a flurry of bouncing blonde curls.
    “Rosa?” Melo raced across the room to her chest of drawers. Tugging the top one open, she groaned in frustration as her fingers searched frantically for her all-encompassing black one-piece. It was true. Rosa’d

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