Winning Love
table salt. Nope. He twisted, grabbed the kosher sea salt from the counter behind him, and switched it out with the other, which Gayle didn’t miss.
    She slowly turned her head to stare at him. “You got a problem with regular salt?”
    Deciding to keep his mouth shut, he just shrugged his shoulders.
    “Whatever floats your boat, handsome,” she muttered, lightly shaking her head.
    A smile tugged at his lips, taking him aback. That seemed to happen a lot around this woman. Not only did she infuriate him and shock him, she amused the hell out of him. A worrisome combination. If he didn’t watch it, he might actually find himself enjoying her company.
    As she instructed Skylar to pour the pre-measured flour, yeast, and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer, he looked around for the missing ingredient.
    “You forgot a teaspoon of sugar.”
    “The recipe didn’t call for sugar.”
    “Well, I’m telling you it needs a teaspoon of sugar.”
    One hand popped on her hip. “What are you, some secret Martha Stewart ninja?”
    There went that damn tug of the lips again. “No. I’m definitely not Martha Stewart.” He couldn’t decorate to save his life. “I just happen to know a thing or two about making homemade pizza.”
    She lifted Skylar to sit on the counter, then waved her hand toward the machine. “By all means, handsome, take the helm and show us ladies how it’s done.”
    Just as a few minutes earlier, the challenge rang clear in her voice as she kept eye contact with him. She had no issue throwing out one, did she?
    “Be prepared to be amazed.”
    He added the needed sugar and turned on the mixer. As the metal hook slowly turned and combined the ingredients, he poured in the water and oil. Keeping tabs on the consistency, he added more flour or water until the dough was a perfect ball. Then he spread flour on a wooden board, put the dough on it, and started kneading.
    An appreciative “ Mmm ,” came from his left.
    He glanced over to find Gayle leaning her elbows on the counter with her chin perched on her palm. Their gazes collided, and she mouthed the words, “So hot.”
    A rush of heat suffused his entire body. He halted in mid-knead. Fuck. There wasn’t a misinterpretation of her intentions she could play up with outrageous behavior right now. Jerking his gaze away, he refocused on the dough. The memory of those lips mouthing those words seared into his brain. Was this Gayle in full Gayle mode? He didn’t know if he could handle this Gayle.
    When he finally had the dough where it needed to be, he placed it in a bowl and put plastic wrap over the top to let it rise. “Done. It should be ready in about an—”
    A sharp smack to his ass shocked the words right out of his mouth.
    “Great job, handsome. Let’s play a game while we wait.”
    He stood ramrod straight as Gayle swept by him, uncertain if he was more stunned by the sudden smack to his butt or the frightening jolt of lust he’d felt from her bold action.
    Taking a steadying inhale, he focused on expelling the tension from his body.
    Let’s play a game, she’d said.
    He didn’t think he wanted to play games with Gayle Matthews. Something told him she was a master gamesman and he was going to end up on the losing side every time.
    And he didn’t like to lose.

    F or a third time, Gayle had to chomp down on her bottom lip to keep a laugh in as Mac’s stunned expression filled her mind again—one of two stunned expressions he’d given her over the course of the last half hour. The one that had twisted his handsome face when she suggested this full-body contact game had almost topped the one when she’d smacked his ass. Almost.
    She flicked the spinner. “Left foot on the green circle.”
    Mac sent her a furious scowl and she sucked in her cheeks to keep her mirth from spilling out into the open. God, the delicious man was too much fun not to mess with.
    She had taken pity on him and let him be the caller the first round. But when she’d

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