Wild Mate: BBW Bear Shifter Romance
two gaped at each other. What the hell have we started?
    Jett shook his head at the
girls. “I never knew...”
    “ What? Spit it out!
What didn't you know, Jett? Tell us!” Viviena, a statuesque
vampire who looked like a supermodel, boldly called out. Viviena
looked like she belonged on the runway, but she was one of the most
fearsome Enforcers. Rogues stood absolutely no chance against her.
Her looks and her skills were a deadly combination.
    “ I never knew that my
Enforcers had their eyes on the streets, but their minds in the
    They all laughed, including
Zymfer, and the girls high-fived one another.
    “ All right, listen up.”
Jett called everyone's attention back to the issue at hand. “There
is something going on in the clubs around the city. I want you to
step up patrols near the blood bars and keep your eye on the demons.
I suspect some illegal demon activity going down in the clubs. Stay
alert.” He looked round the circle of attentive, serious
faces. The Enforcers joked around and teased one another a lot, but
they didn't fool around when they were on the job.
    “ I'm going to break you
up into teams,” Jett told them. Viviena and Aaron, keep your
eye on Blood and Grill. That means you'll cover the area between
Lunar Street and Ninth Avenue.”
    “ Yes, sir!”
    “ Mark and Ashwari,
Crimson Lips is all yours. You'll be patrolling Red Boulevard...”
    Jett went on dividing the
senior Enforcers into pairs, telling them the club and the streets
under their charge.
    Finally, he turned to Levi.
“Levi, Scott and Jeanette, you guys take Twenty-Third Street to
Twenty-Ninth Street.”
    “ Yes, sir!”
    “ And...keep watch on
Club Mate.”
    Zymfer spoke up, “How
come there are three of them on that team? The rest have only
    Jett turned and silenced
Zymfer with a look. “I want Levi to protect Miss Rebecca
Rose.” Jett stopped in front of Levi and looked him straight
in the eye. “You will patrol the streets with Scott and
Jeanette, and check out what's going on in Club Mate. But once Miss
Rose leaves the club, you follow her. You're her shadow. Park
yourself outside her house, and protect her. She is your
    Levi stared at Jett for a
beat. “Yes, sir,” he said, holding Jett's gaze firmly.
    “ Ah, what about me?”
Zymfer interrupted impatiently. “You haven't given me...”
    At this, Jett had smiled.
“Zymfer, you're with Mia.”
    As Levi left the PAC
Headquarters with Scott and Jeanette, he could still hear Zymfer
howling in dismay and mortification.
    They had laughed, and Scott
and Jeanette had cracked jokes as they started their patrol, but Levi
knew that the cheerful banter was for his benefit. He was getting
kid-glove treatment from everyone, including Jett.
    Jett had basically put him on
babysitting duty. Tailing and protecting Rebecca? He was going to
do that anyway. Jett just made it official, so that he could go to
Rebecca while he was on duty, instead of only when he was off
rotation. It was obvious that Jett was ordering Jeanette to cover
him, while he went off to protect his mate.
    Jett was a good boss. Tough,
fair and very astute. He hadn't even needed to lift a finger to deal
with an insolent young demon. He had simply let a pint-sized human
woman put Zymfer in his place. And then he had ordered the human and
the demon to work together as a team, cover each other's backs while
on patrol.
    No grudges.
    He recognized the strengths
and weaknesses of his Enforcers, and he could see past their faults.
He disciplined them, and then he put them to work. Mia had a hot
temper and a loud mouth, but she was an excellent Enforcer. There
was a lot Zymfer could learn from her. In fact, the human and the
demon had a lot in common. They were both brash and brusque, but
their hearts were in the right place.
    Levi pushed off from his post
and headed towards Club Mate. “I'll go in and check the
premises,” he told Scott and Jeanette over his

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