Wild Mate: BBW Bear Shifter Romance
Almost every inch of her lush, soft thighs was exposed, and
his claws slid out when he saw all the males in the club stare and
drool at Rebecca as she smiled and winked at them from the stage.
Levi glared at the raven tattoo on her thigh. That was drawing too
much attention. It drew all eyes to the inside of her thigh and
inevitably up her too short skirt.
    His hand twitched with fury.
At this instant, he could only think of two courses of action. Claw
out the eyes of every male in the club, or snatch Rebecca off that
damn stage and cover her up with his jacket.
    The music started up and
Rebecca started a slow dance around the pole. He heard some
enthusiastic calls from the audience.
    “ Hey, Raven Rose,
    “ Raven, where have you
    “ Over here, Raven Rose!”
    Levi shook his head hard. He
had to get a grip. This was her job, her livelihood. The girl on
stage was Raven Rose, the stripper. Not Rebecca Rose, his mate.
    He should just step back, and
let her work the stage and earn the big bucks. This was no place for
a jealous bear. He was here as an Enforcer, and as her bodyguard.
She was working. So was he.
    Rebecca's smile was frozen on
her face, and she was blinking rapidly. Her black eyes darted across
the bar, taking in all the strange faces. Levi took a step forward,
and their eyes clashed. He saw her gasp and miss a step in her
routine. She stumbled but righted herself instantly. Gulping,
Rebecca continued dancing stiffly, but her eyes never left Levi.
    Her lips moved, and he saw his
name form soundlessly on her lips. He nodded and smiled
encouragingly at her, even though his claws were still itching to
shred those leering males to bits. Go on, Rebecca, you're doing
    Rebecca tried to smile back
but her movements were jerky and she seemed to lose focus and
coordination. It was clear she had forgotten her steps, and the
audience began to jeer.
    “ What the hell, Raven!”
    “ Just take it off,
    “ Forget the dance. Just
    “ Yeah! Show us some
boobs, babe!”
    Rebecca's eyes grew wide as
she backed towards the pole. The jeers and taunts seemed to terrify
her, and she clapped both hands to her ears to try to block them out.
    Levi instinctively pushed to
the front of the stage. Rebecca was hiccuping violently, trying not
to sob aloud. She tottered precariously on her high heels, trying to
get away from the crowd, but not daring to climb down the stage. She
stared at the hostile crowd, like they were a pack of ravenous
wolves. Pressing a hand to her mouth, she staggered to the edge of
the stage and tried to rush down the steps. She missed a step and
lost her footing. With a shriek, she came crashing down.
    In a flash, Levi was before
her, breaking her fall. He caught her safely in his arms and
murmured, “Easy there. You're safe. I got you, Rebecca.”
    She jerked around to face him.
“Raven,” she hissed. That was her name at the club.
Raven, not Rebecca.
    He smiled grimly. “Yes,
ma'am. Let's go, Miss Raven Rose. Let's get you home.”
    But before he could muscle his
way through the raucous, rowdy crowd, screams erupted near the back
of the club.
    A man staggered towards the
bar, clutching the side of his neck. Blood seeped through his
fingers and his mouth was opening and closing in wordless terror.
    “ H-help...” he
managed to stutter just before collapsing face down on the floor.
    Levi released Rebecca, and was
crouching at the man's side in an instant. “Everyone move
back!” he ordered the crowd. “We have a man down at Club
Mate,” Levi spoke rapidly into his watch. “We need an
ambulance and more Enforcers at Club Mate now!”
    He eased the man's bloodied
fingers away from his neck and examined the puncture wounds. “It
look like it's a vampire attack. I repeat, there's been a vampire
attack at Club Mate. One down,” Levi barked into his watch.
    The man's eyes were staring at
Levi, and he suddenly grabbed Levi's arm. “No, not one,”

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