windblown disarray. He scrutinized her in an unhurried fashion, taking in her porcelain skin, long lashes, and those remarkable, tempting lips.
His gaze continued downward drawn to her slender throat and the creamy skin that glowed above her modest bodice. Her legs appeared impossibly long under her muslin gown.
The breeze dislodged another curl from her somewhat haphazard chignon, and it brushed across her mouth. Her lips twitched several times and her eyes peeked open a crack as she flicked the bothersome lock aside.
Austin knew the exact instant she saw his black riding boots in front of her. She stiffened and blinked. Then her gaze traveled upward and she gasped.
"Your grace!" She bounded to her feet and performed a curtsy that most would have labeled graceless, but that he found utterly charming.
"Good morning, Miss Matthews. It seems you were correct when you predicted you would not be hard to find. I seem to run into you everywhere I go."
Heat flashed in Elizabeth's cheeks. How disconcerting to be daydreaming of a man kissing you breathless only to open your eyes and find that very man watching you. And good heavens, what a wildly attractive man he was.
The filtered light from the rising sun shimmered on his raven hair. A single, windblown lock fell across his forehead lending him an almost boyish appeal completely at odds with the compelling intensity of his gray eyes. Aristocratic bearing and masculine strength all but oozed from his tall, rugged frame.
A stark white shirt covered his broad shoulders. He wore no neckcloth and the strong tanned column of his neck rose from the opening in the fine lawn. Her heart sped up at the sight of a few dark hairs peeping up from that intriguing opening before his shirt thwarted her view.
His wide chest tapered in a perfect V to narrow hips, and his long, muscular legs were covered in buff breeches that disappeared into shiny black leather riding boots. She imagined a string of brokenhearted females littered the streets of London. He'd certainly make a wonderful subject to sketch.
"Do I pass inspection?" he asked in an amused drawl.
"Yes." A half grin touched his lips. "It's an English word meaning 'to examine thoroughly'"
Although he was clearly teasing, hot chagrin flooded her. Good heavens, she was indeed staring at him as if she was starving and he was a banquet.
But at least he no longer seemed upset with her.
"Forgive me, your grace. I'm simply surprised to see you here." Her eyes narrowed on a mark on his cheek. "Did you injure yourself?"
He gingerly touched the spot. "A branch caught me. 'Tis only a scratch."
A soft nickering claimed her attention and she glanced at the magnificent black gelding drinking from the lake. "Are you enjoying your ride?"
"Very much." He looked around. "Where is your mount?"
"I walked. It's a lovely morn—" An image flashed in her mind cutting off her words. A horse rearing, a black horse very much like the one drinking from the lake.
"Are you all right, Miss Matthews?"
The image vanished and she dismissed the vague impression. "Yes, I'm fine. Actually, I'm—"
"Most robust."
She grinned. "Yes, I am, but I was going to say I'm hungry. Would you care to join me in something to eat? I brought more than enough." She dropped to her knees and began unloading food from her knapsack.
"You packed breakfast?"
"Well, not exactly breakfast. Just some raw carrots, apples, bread and cheese."
Austin watched her, intrigued. He'd never been invited to such an informal picnic. Here was a perfect opportunity to spend some time with her. What better way to ferret out her secrets and determine exactly what she knew about William and the blackmail letter? Settling himself on the ground next to her, he accepted a slice of bread and a chunk of cheese.
"Who packed your picnic?"
"I did. Yesterday morning, before leaving London, I helped Aunt Joanna's cook with a problem. In gratitude, Cook told me I could help myself." She