
Read Wanted for Free Online

Book: Read Wanted for Free Online
Authors: Kelly Elliott
in the auditorium…….. ”

    Chapter T hree
    Ellie …..
    Two and half hours later…….
    I was getting tired of waiting for the doctor to come back into my room with my pain medicine prescription . By the time I finished telling Jefferson and Gunner what happened, I just wanted someone to shoo t me. They both lo ok ed like they were ready to leave and go kick Ryan’s ass. A small part of me wanted them to. My hand hurt so bad I just wanted to cry. Thank God it was not br ok en. The urgent care doctor said it was a Grade 2 sprain . No torn ligaments but I need ed to do something called R.I.C.E. Ari of course wrote down what RICE stood for . I couldn’t think let alone try to remember some acronym.
    Gunner had been leaning up against the wall just opposite of me the whole time. I tried to keep my eyes either on Jefferson, Ari , the doctor or the floor. Every time I lo ok ed up at him he smiled and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I would smile back politely and then lo ok aw ay.
    No one has ever had this kind of effect on me before, n ot even Ryan. I t always bothered me that I never got those butterfly moments with Ryan that all my friends talked about. I knew deep down inside Ryan and I were never meant to be. I mean, I am not even feeling upset anymore about what happened .
    Of course it could be the incredible hot guy standing across the room who was burning holes into me with his eyes. His beautiful sky blue eyes that jus t melted my heart and for the first time in my life, made my body tighte n with anticipation…down there.
    Oh holy hell ….what is going on with me ?
    I sho ok my head to clear my thoughts again. I could n ot let this guy get under my skin. No matter how freaking hot he was. I lo ok ed up at him again and this time I felt the heat rise up my face. Gunner let out a small laugh that made his whole body tighten. I licked my lips as I watched his body respond to his laughter. My god this guy had a nice body . All I wanted to do was inspect every square inch of it.
    Wait….. That fucking bast ard just laughed at me! This is why I am never going to have anything to do with men again. I will d ie a virgin and be proud of it.
    “ Sooo , what are the plans for Saturday night?” Ari asked w hile lo ok ing at Jefferson I’m sure the same way I had been lo ok ing at Gunner.
    “I know what my plans are, not sure about you rs squirt.” J efferson responded back to Ari .
    “ Oh.My.God ! Can you please not call me that?! I am eighteen years old and not a child you asshole.” Ari hissed.
    “W ell you sure as hell act like a chi ld squirt.” Jefferson stated matter of fact.
    “I thought we were having a party at the house to celebrate Ellie ’s graduation.” Gunner said as he lo ok ed back and forth between Ari and Jefferson. He seemed just as confused about what was going on between them as I was. I would swear they were in a star ing contes t with the way they were looking at each other.
    “Wait….. wait just one damn minute! You’ re having a party…..at your house? For us? ! Oh. My. God…this is awesome!” Ari jumped up and nearly knocked over the sharps container that was to her right!
    “Um, no squirt, I’ m having a party at my house for Ellie . Not you.” Jefferson said as he turned to lo ok up at me. I smiled my biggest ‘I love the shi t out of you’ smile as I looked at him .
    “Are you for real?! I mean I finally get to meet all of your friends and go to a college party!” I was about to act like a total fool myself and jump up and down. If Gunner had not been in th e room I so would have done it.
    “You bet I am Ell s . You only graduate from high school once. It’s one of my presents to you!” Jefferson said a s he got up to come and hug me!
    I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. When I lo ok ed over Jefferson’s s houlder there was that drop my panties smile again. This time I didn’t mind it so much. I smiled back at him just as big as he was smiling at

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