
Read Wanted for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Wanted for Free Online
Authors: Kelly Elliott
me. I have to admit I think I was more excited knowing I was going to be at a party where I knew for a fact Gunner would be. I had been to their house before but Jefferson alway s made sure Gunner was never home.
    They lived in a two bedroom house that belonged to Gunner’s grandfather. He bought the ho use when Gunner moved to Austin to attend UT. Jefferson and Gunner hit it off within days of meeting each other and Gunner asked h im if he wanted to bunk with him at his house. That was a no brainer. Jefferson would do a nything to get out of our house with our drunken mother. I spent most of my days at Ari’s house anyway . Mansion I should say. Her dad was a big shot lawyer but you would never know they had money by the way Ari acted. That was one of the things I just loved about her.
    “Am I at least invited to my best f riend’s graduation party dick wad ?” Ari asked with so much sarc asm it was dripping off of her.
    “If she wants you there squirt that is fine by me!” Jefferson sai d as he rubbed the top of Ari ’s head like she was five years old.
    “Fucker ! ” Ari said as she pushed his hand away . Jefferson and Gunne r both laughed.
    OH . MY . GOD… ….. that laugh of his . Like his smile, or his touch, or his massive chest was not e nough to be my undoing. His laugh about dropped me to the ground. A feeling ran through my whole body every time I heard this guy laugh. What the hell?!
    T he doctor came back in right at t he exact moment I thought I was going to combust from the lo ok Gunner was giving me . He gave me my prescription, another round of how to take care of my hand and out the door we went. Thank God. Between Ari and Jefferson going back and forth with each other and Gunner standing across from me sending me lo ok s that about had me wanting to rip his clothes of…I was more than ready to get the hell out of dodge.
    “Hey dick wad , can you swing back by th e school so I can pick up my jeep ? ” Ari shouted over Maroo n 5 blasting out of the stereo.
    “ Ellie and I both have our last shift tonight.” Ari and I both worked part time at Flipnotics . It was a little coffee shop near downtown Austin .
    “Oh fuck no is Ellie going to work tonight! She has to rest her hand and she is on pain med s . Are you fucking insane Ari! Thinking Ellie is going to work tonight !” Jefferson shouted back to Ari .
    “Yeah, that is not a good idea going in to work tonight Ellie . You need to keep your hand and wrist elevated to keep the swelling down.” Gunner said to me as he turned around and lo ok ed at me.
    WOW, he really lo ok ed like he was worried about me. My heart started to beat faster and I felt t he blush creep up into my face.
    NO! Wait…I needed to stop this right now. I could not let Gunner Mathews get into my heart. No. It was closed for business. Shut down, never to be opened up to any hurt again.
    You will never be wanted by anyone….. Would I ever be able to get my mother’s voice out of my head?
    Ari sat there and lo ok ed stunned. She just kept lo ok ing between Jefferson and Gunner and finally just laughed.
    “What? ! Are you both her freaki ng mother? No, I think not. Ell s can do whatever she damn well pleases and you two ass wipes have no say in it what so ever! If she wants to go to work or not go to work that is her decision to ma ke. I can’t believe you two…my G od.” Ari said in a harsh tone directed more at Jefferson than Gunner.
    Gunner gave me a small smile and turned back around and lo ok ed out the side window. For a br ief second I was pissed at Ari for hurting his feelings. He was only worried about me. Just the thought of it had me thinking things I should not have been thinking about Gunner.
    Holy shit……I started to blush just thinking about what his touch would feel like.  Jefferson brought me out of my wayward thoughts.
    “You know what squirt you’ re right, I’m not her m other but I am her brother. Ell s I don’t think it is a good idea hone

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