Wacko Academy

Read Wacko Academy for Free Online

Book: Read Wacko Academy for Free Online
Authors: Faith Wilkins
Tags: Young Adult
to lead me away from my home.  I felt like kicking something.
    Hot tears ran down my cheeks.  Now I had no idea what was going to become of me.  Whoever these people were, why did they want me?  How quickly would my parents miss me?  Would there be a trail for the police to follow?  Would someone put two and two together and figure out what happened?
    Oh, jeez.  My head hurt like crazy.  Then I noticed the bear holding the embroidered pillow sitting at the end of the bed.  How did that get there?  It had been in my bedroom.  Had the kidnappers been back in my house?
    A few minutes later, the door opened.  A woman who appeared to have stepped right out of a movie from the fifties entered the room.
    She smiled warmly.  “I see that you’re finally awake.  How are you feeling?”
    I gave her a look.  “Just awesome.” I knew it was rude to be sarcastic, but seriously.  I had just been kidnapped and now I was being held prisoner in a strange room.  How did she think I was feeling?
    She placed her cool hands on my forehead.  I noticed a nametag on her shirt that read Doreen .  “You must be hungry.  I’ll be back in a jiffy.”
    Before I could say anything, she had bustled away.
    She had said “finally awake.” I wondered how long I had been out.  Everyone had to be looking for me now.  Would they find me in time?  Before…The truth is, I honestly had no idea what was going to happen to me.  
    True to her word, Doreen came back just moments later, carrying a tray with tea and a cheese sandwich.  She set it down on the table beside me and just stood there with her hands on her hips.  I looked up at her, confused.  She stared pointedly at the tray, then at me.  Finally understanding what she wanted, I took a bite of the sandwich and a sip of the tea.  It warmed up the whole inside of my chest.  Already my headache didn’t feel so bad.
    When I was done, Doreen picked up the tray and turned to leave.
    “Doreen,” I called.  
    “Yes, Miss Mason?”
    “Something bad is going to happen to me, isn’t it?” My voice sounded shakier than I meant for it to sound.
    Her expression softened.  “Don’t you worry.  Nothing bad is going to happen to you.”
    I sat back in bed.  “If you say so.”
    She smiled and was gone, leaving me alone in the teal room once again.  
    A few minutes later, I got up and tried the door, just to see what would happen.  Locked from the outside, of course.  
    I went into the bathroom and took a look in the mirror.  With heavy bags under my bloodshot eyes, chapped lips, and frizzy hair going in every direction, I looked simply horrible.  First, I turned on the sink faucets and flung water in my face.  Then I stretched and slapped my cheeks around a bit.  I brushed and tied my hair back with a scrunchy as best as I could.  
    After taking a long shower, I was feeling as refreshed as a girl being held against her will can feel.  Walking out with a towel wrapped around me, I discovered that a pile of brand new clothes and underwear had been neatly placed on the bed.  There was also a bag full of toiletries.  I uncapped the toothpaste, took out my new toothbrush, and scrubbed my teeth until they hurt.  Then I slowly got dressed.  The weird part?  Everything fit me perfectly.  Talk about creepy.
    Once done with sprucing myself up, I searched the room for any way to escape.  No such luck.  I did find some books, though.  That was something to keep me occupied at least.  I picked a random one, took a seat on the plush carpet, and began reading.  
    There was a soft knock on the door.  Not even bothering to look up from the very interesting book, I told whoever it was to come in.  The person quietly entered.  Figuring that it was probably just Doreen, I still didn’t look up.
    My visitor cleared his throat.  “Hello, Lily.”
    I jumped, sending the book flying out of my hands.  A cold chill went down my spine and a rush of anger made my hands shake.

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