Viktor: Heart of Her King
him or the people below. No, all Viktor Katsaros saw was his future...the long happy future he wished for reflected in the glittering grey eyes of the keeper of his heart.
    “Katarina, my dear Katarina, meum custos animae, cor meum...” 

Chapter Three
    K at attempted to ignore the incessant beeping of the alarm she’d set for herself. She was in the middle of the most wonderful dream she’d ever had and refused to wake up until both she and her lover were completely and blissfully replete from their lovemaking.
    Yeah, like that’s ever going to happen. I’m having imaginary sex with a man I’ve never met, who’s only ever spoken exactly forty-eight words to me, and wouldn’t know me from a bum on the street.
    “Good grief, I’m a mess.” Kat groaned in frustration as she slapped the clock with one hand and felt the cold empty space beside her with the other. Huffing her bangs out of her face, she jerked her hand away from the empty sheets and ran it through her tangled red curls.
    She was being irrational, childish even, and the worst part was she knew it. There was no way any man, especially Viktor Katsaros, was going to sneak into her room for an afternoon tryst. It was stress, had to be...maybe even a little jet lag. It was the only explanation.
    But had been so damned real. So real her lips still tingled from his kisses. She could still feel the warmth of his hands as they moved over her skin. Goose bumps were still raised on her arms. It was so real she honestly did believe, at least for a moment, he was going to be there when she opened her eyes. Sadly, she was still alone.
    Deciding that lying in bed and brooding wasn’t getting her anywhere, Kat threw off the covers and sat up. The minute her feet hit the plush, slate grey carpet, she wrapped the fluffy hotel robe around her and headed downstairs to find something to eat in the hopes of throwing off the remaining shadows of her dream. Kat needed to focus. Her presentation wasn’t going to pitch itself and everything had to be perfect.
    Changing her mind, she grabbed the phone at the base of the steps and called room service. Kat couldn’t help but grin when the waitress’s British accent chirped through the receiver. “Good Afternoon, Miss Romalesky. This is Jasmine. How may I be of service?”
    Kat was shocked by the use of her name but then remembered caller id.
    Duh! I really am off my game.
    “Hi. I wanted to order some tea and scones, but there are so many flavors on your menu I have no idea where to start. And to be honest I’m not even sure I like scones. It’s just something I’ve always been told you have to have when you’re in London.” She laughed before adding, “What do you suggest?”
    The girl giggled, causing Kat to suspect she was probably no more than eighteen or nineteen years old. Since Kat’s first job had been slinging burgers at the Sonic Drive-In—complete with roller skates, short shorts and tube socks—she was pretty impressed that someone so young worked for such a prestigious hotel. “Well, my favorite is Yorkshire Gold with milk and sugar. Be sure to add the milk first, it gives it a richer flavor.” Jasmine spoke as if they were friends swapping secrets, which made Kat smile even more. “And if I may suggest our fresh sweet biscuits. They are just delish dunked in your tea.”
    Kat chuckled at the young woman’s enthusiasm over a simple pot of tea and a snack. Teasingly, she asked, “Now, just to be sure, biscuits are cookies, right?”
    Laughing out loud, Jasmine immediately caught on to Kat’s joke and quipped, “Oh, you are a sly one, Miss Romalesky.” She stopped and took a quick breath before powering on, “Yes, ma’am, they’re like your American cookies and chef’s special recipe. A real treat for sure. You’ll find no better anywhere.”
    “Then send up a pot of your favorite and a plate of those biscuits. My mouth is already watering.”
    “Yes, ma’am. And one more suggestion if

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