Viktor: Heart of Her King
I may?”
    “You can take your tea on your rooftop terrace. It gives you a lovely view of the River Thames. This time of day, you can watch the sunset. It’s truly breathtaking.”
    “I will do just that. Thank you so much, Jasmine, you have been such a big help.”
    “My pleasure, ma’am. James will meet you on the terrace straight away. Have a nice evening, Miss Romalesky.”
    “You too, Jasmine, and thank you again for all your help.”
    “My pleasure, I’m sure, ma’am.”
    Kat hung up the phone and flew up the stairs. There was no way she was going out on the terrace in a robe and her underwear, not even if she was twelve stories off the ground. It just seemed untoward somehow.
    Yeah, but sex dreams about a man you’ve never met that you’re going to ask to bankroll your company’s latest project isn’t unseemly at all, right, Kat?
    Shaking her head and blaming all her delusions on nerves and jet lag, Kat dashed into her bedroom and threw the smaller of her two suitcases on the bed. Sliding open the zipper, she grabbed her black leggings, a long, dark green T-shirt, and her favorite black sweater that hung to her knees before she even had the case open all the way, then dressed in record time.
    Throwing her hair up on top of her head in a messy bun, she pushed the button on the control panel next to her bed for the blinds and waited. The floor to ceiling slats slowly opened and Kat’s heart skipped a beat as the most spectacular view she’d ever seen was slowly revealed. Not only could she see the Thames, but also the London Eye already lighting the sky with so many twinkling lights it looked like the stars themselves were perched upon each tress and trellis of the huge Ferris wheel. As if that wasn’t already enough, the remarkable display was reflected in the calm waters of the river. It was the first postcard come to life moment Kat had ever experienced.  
    Staring at the scene before her and opening the sliding glass doors, Kat’s wayward thoughts once again landed on Viktor Katsaros. What was it about the man that made him so irresistible even before she’d laid eyes on him? Why did she think of him as so much more than just a business acquaintance, especially after hearing his voice over the phone?
    Thankfully, her wayward thoughts were cut short as the service elevator dinged its arrival. Turning toward the noise, she smiled at the young man whose nametag did indeed say James, just as Jasmine had said.
    After thoroughly enjoying her tea and biscuits and making a mental note to leave a positive comment for Jasmine and the chef, Kat spent the rest of the evening perfecting her presentation and snacking on some of the goodies from Viktor’s gift basket. With pride that she’d avoided obsessing over the man she was to meet tomorrow and anticipation of going home with a signed contract from KI, Kat slid into bed and slept without a single dream for the first night in over three years.
    The next morning, the time difference between London and her home had Kat up before the sun, something that normally would’ve been the start to a really long, really bad day, but she was energized and felt like she could take on the world. After a long, hot shower, Kat styled her hair to perfection, put on her makeup like she knew what she was doing, and dressed in her favorite black suit with a cream silk blouse underneath. It was only six a.m. when she took her last look in the mirror and declared her efforts a success.
    I look pretty good, if I do say so myself...
    Kat wasn’t conceited. She knew she was cute most of the time and when she worked at it some would even call her pretty. It was no secret that she’d never win any beauty contests. She was too tall, had too many curves, and loved chocolate covered almonds way too much. Not to mention the hundreds of freckles that appeared across the bridge of her nose and the apples of her cheeks every single time she was out in the sun. But none

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