Viktor: Heart of Her King
of that bothered her. Kat was a solid seven out of ten on any given day and that was just fine with her. She felt good and that gave her the extra confidence boost she needed on the most important day of her life.  
    Deciding a treat was in order since she was ready early, Kat remembered a restaurant called Balthazar that Courtney, one of her college roommates who had been to London several times, had told her about. It was reported to have the best breakfast in town. Of course, Courtney had gone on and on about the fabulous Bloody Marys, but that would have to wait for another time. Showing up with alcohol on her breath was not the first impression Kat wanted to make.
    Making her way down to the Concierge, Kat found out that Balthazar was less than a mile away and decided to walk. It was shaping up to be an unusually sunny London morning and fresh air was just what she needed to keep her anxiety at bay.
    Kat was so absorbed in the beauty of her surroundings that she ran right into the back of a man waiting at the crosswalk. Jumping back as quickly as she could, Kat started apologizing before the man was turned all the way around.
    Thankfully, the man’s murderous look changed to a smirk as Kat stuttered and stammered her way through an apology. “Oh, my God, I am...I mean I was...Are you...Oh Lordy, I am truly messing this up?”
    She chuckled nervously as her unintentional victim thankfully stepped in with his amazing British accent and English charm, saving her from further humiliation. “It’s quite all right, pretty lady. It must be my lucky day.”
    Still incredibly embarrassed but also now confused, all Kat could say was, “Excuse me?”
    Throwing back his head and laughing, the tall blonde man with piercing blue eyes repeated, “It must be my lucky day.” And then added, “To have the good fortune to chat up such a fit woman before I’ve even had my morning cup of tea surely means this is the luckiest day of my life.”
    Chuckling nervously, Kat felt her cheeks warm at the man’s compliment and knew he could see her blushing by the smirk on his ruggedly handsome face. Quickly recovering, she decided to hide her embarrassment with humor. It had served her well for all the years she could remember so she went with it. “Why thank you, kind sir. I must say, I myself might’ve just bumped into one of the handsomest men in England.”
    Laughing once again, the man bowed then said, “Why, thank you. May I ask where you were off to in such a hurry on this bright morning?”
    Kat knew he was laying it on thick but was enjoying the attention. “I have a meeting later and wanted to have breakfast at a restaurant my friend recommended. Since jet lag had me up before dawn, I decided to seize the moment.”
    “Ah, I see. May I ask what restaurant without being too forward?”
    “Balthazar,” Kat responded, pointing the direction the Concierge had instructed her to go.
    “Your friend has very good taste and you are right to go for breakfast. Reservations for dinner are booked months in advance.” Looking over her head and furrowing his brow for just a moment, he commented, “We seem to be drawing a crowd.”
    Before she could look to see what he was talking about, the tall handsome stranger bent his elbow and winked. “Let me introduce myself. I’m Bjorn Makris. May I have the pleasure of your company? It just so happens that your destination is on my way.”
    Throwing caution to the wind, Kat placed her free hand on his forearm. “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Makris. My name is Kat Romalesky. It would be my pleasure.”
    The walk to the restaurant, breakfast, and the wait outside for her taxi were fun. Bjorn had a great sense of humor and was seriously easy on the eyes. He kept her laughing the whole time they were together by teasing her about her accent and calling her a ‘Yank’. It was great fun but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. It all felt too easy...contrived in

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