Victoria Roberts - [Bad Boys of the Highlands 03]

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Book: Read Victoria Roberts - [Bad Boys of the Highlands 03] for Free Online
Authors: To Wed a Wicked Highlander
as much. That being said, I think ye cannae help but sneak around Glengarry and wonder how Kintail compares,” she simply stated.
    He held up his hands. “Aye, ye found me out. Can we please take our leave now before we are discovered?”
    She gave a brief nod. “That would probably be best. If we were to be discovered and Father found out ye—”
    “Exactly. Let us seek your chamber. I would like to know what kind of poverty my sister is living in,” he said in a jesting tone. He opened the door and gestured her through as he blew out the candle.
    They walked down the hall and entered Sybella’s bedchamber. She had just closed the door when Colin smirked. “There is nay way this is your chamber, Sister.”
    “What do ye mean? Of course this is my chamber.”
    He spoke in his casual, jesting way. “ ’ Tis far too clean to be your room, Ella.”
    She tossed a pillow at him and he caught it with one hand. He placed the pillow back on the bed and sat down beside her. His eyes had a burning, faraway look in them.
    “What is it, Colin?”
    “Are ye going to be all right here with the MacDonell? I would expect the truth.”
    His smile was almost apologetic, and she punched him playfully in the arm. “Is that what is troubling ye? In truth, I am nae thrilled to be the MacDonell’s wife, but as I told ye before, I will do what is expected of me. Like all things in life, I am sure I will grow accustomed.”
    “Do ye mean that?”
    “I wouldnae speak the words if they werenae the truth.” She couldn’t figure out if Colin’s concern was that of an older brother or if there was some other meaning to his words or lack thereof. He was always direct with her and never made a play upon his words—yet, she had an underlying feeling something was off. “Are ye certain that is all that troubles ye?”
    He hesitated, studying her for a moment. “I am only concerned for your welfare. Father made this alliance for the sole purpose of finding the stone. ’ Tis dangerous, Ella. I want ye to be careful and donna be so quick to search for the stone. It will probably take the MacDonell a little while to lower his guard around ye. Give him time to know ye, and I am sure he will be besotted.” He smiled warmly. “Most importantly, earn his trust. Make him realize that his wife stands by his side. I know it may be difficult for ye, but be a dutiful wife and please try to hold your tongue.”
    “This is the second time ye and Father have made such a reminder. Why do I get the feeling ye donna trust me to take this responsibility seriously? I am a MacKenzie. I know what is to be gained from recovering the stone.” When his eyes flashed with the same familiar display of impatience, she added, “But I understand what ye mean. I will make certain I have the MacDonell’s trust before I start to search for the stone so he isnae suspicious of me.”
    Colin kissed her on the cheek and then rose. “I will see ye in a few hours for your wedding, Sister. Try to get some rest.” He was about to open the door when she spoke.
    “And Colin?”
    He turned around and raised his brow. “Aye?”
    “Seek your own chamber and stop your wanderings lest we both find ourselves upon the gallows.”
    He rolled his eyes and closed the door behind him.
    “Where the hell is he?” asked Alex for the hundredth time.
    “Donna worry. We will find him,” said John reassuringly.
    “And ye searched the chambers?”
    “The bailey, stables, parapet. ” Alex knew there was no need to continue because Colin MacKenzie had simply walked into the great hall. Turning to John, Alex snarled, “Make sure Ian keeps a firm watch on the MacKenzie’s son now. I will see ye on the morrow or in a few short hours.”
    Alex reached the hall to his chamber. When he heard laughter, he glanced up as Aunt Iseabail and William walked from the other end of the hall, arm in arm. Alex made a mad dash inside his bedchamber and closed the door. When

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