Victoria Roberts - [Bad Boys of the Highlands 03]

Read Victoria Roberts - [Bad Boys of the Highlands 03] for Free Online

Book: Read Victoria Roberts - [Bad Boys of the Highlands 03] for Free Online
Authors: To Wed a Wicked Highlander
thoroughly embarrassed by the scene she had witnessed. She should’ve stayed in her chamber and sought her bed. That’s what she wanted to do in the first place. Now she was paying a humiliating price for her stupidity.
    She had almost reached the safe confines of her bedchamber when she spotted someone ducking into one of the rooms at the end of the hall. In fact, that certain someone looked vaguely familiar.
    Moving quietly down the hall, Sybella approached the room. But as soon as she bent over to see if a light was illuminated from underneath the door, the chamber went dark. She hesitated, questioning what she thought she saw. Perhaps it was only her imagination, but she could have sworn…
    She lifted her hand and gently knocked on the door. When no one answered, her curiosity was most definitely aroused. This may not have been one of her brightest ideas. Who knew what she could be walking into? The thought barely crossed her mind when someone reached out and pulled her abruptly into the room.
    She gasped.
    “What the bloody hell are ye doing here, Ella?”
    Alexander reveled in the aftermath of the celebration. A few MacDonell men were passed out with their heads down on the tables, not to be outdone by the MacKenzie men who were splayed upon the great hall floor. He never thought he’d see the day when MacKenzie men slumbered on the MacDonell crest inlaid in the stone floor. In any event, Alex sat in the laird’s chair, his father’s chair, pleased at conclusion of the day’s events.
    “I see your betrothed has retired for the eve.” John pulled out a chair and sat down. “Did ye fire her ire, or did she run back to Kintail with her tail between her legs?”
    Alex chuckled in response and poured John a tankard of ale. “I donna know. In either instance, at least we have the cattle.”
    “I hope to hell ye know what ye’re doing.”
    Imposing an iron control, Alex spoke confidently. “We already had this discussion. ’ Tis a lot of cattle for our clan to be fed and the MacKenzie has taken so much from us already. Think of it as them paying us back for all the things they’ve taken.”
    John lowered his voice. “I didnae mean the cattle. Ye’ve shackled yourself with a wife—and a MacKenzie one at that.”
    Alex favored many things about John, but sometimes his friend’s truthfulness was more of a pain in the arse. “And that MacKenzie lass brings two hundred fifty cattle with her as her dowry—two hundred fifty MacKenzie cattle.”
    A grin overtook John’s features and he held up his hands in mock defense. “Ye donna need to convince me. The men seemed to enjoy themselves.” He nodded to the drunken men.
    “Aye. For a time I thought our clans would actually be warring in the middle of the great hall.” He ran his hand through his hair in a tired gesture. “I was somewhat concerned, but at least everyone is still in one piece—well, more or less.”
    “Ye gave a fine speech, Alex.” John took another swig of ale and lowered his voice. “The men are still on guard.”
    “Good. Make certain they arenae in their cups, and they will be rewarded when the MacKenzies take their leave. I want a watchful eye kept on them at all times. The MacKenzie retired with a lass a short time ago. Where is his son?”
    “I have Ian following him. Nay worries, Alex. Enjoy your celebration because on the morrow, ye will be a married man. ’Tis too bad Doireann took her leave with Donald. Ye could have had at least one more night of freedom before ye spoke your vows.”
    “I doubt I will be getting much rest with my new bride if Aunt Iseabail has her way. The woman has been constantly hounding me about an heir. Praise the saints I should forget such a task.”
    “That is one duty I know ye will nae mind performing.” John gave him a friendly punch in the arm. “At least the MacKenzie lass isnae so sore on the eyes. I cannae help but wonder if ye would have accepted the offer so willingly had she been a

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