Unleash The Moon (The Preternaturals Book 6)
cover this hole in the wood so the sun doesn’t
get you.”
    There was a large picture window
directly across from the closet door that looked like it probably
got some direct sunlight. As resting places went, this was far less
secure than she’d like, but she had to be breathing for this trade to happen. Barring a freak raid on
the place, she knew she’d make it at least until night in the
    He went back down the hall, leaving her in the
bedroom. She heard doors opening and closing and banging around in
drawers until he returned with shiny silver tape. He got a look of
longing in his eyes.
    “ My dad used to have this. It’s
duct tape. You can fix anything with it.” He covered the hole in
the wood, then sat on the edge of the bed and tossed the tape on
the floor.
    Sydney pushed back the revulsion
that went through her as he rolled back his sleeve. And then she
thought, Great, he won’t let me near his neck. It would be harder to kill him this
    She sat beside him and sank her fangs into the
offered arm. Her hand inched up the inside of his leg, but then
Jacob’s hand was on top of hers, stilling her.
    “ As good as you can make me feel,
Syd, I know you’re just trying to sway me. It can’t be done. I’m
going back to my family, and you’ll never see yours again. I’m
sorry this is the way it had to go down. I’m sorry you come from a
family of monsters and must suffer for their crimes.”
    She cringed as his hand stroked through her hair.
But then, he started telling the most insipid stories about his
childhood before the vampire king had him brought to the compound
to be on Sydney’s dinner menu. He wasn’t paying close attention to
her feeding or how much time had elapsed.
    If he just kept talking… After a few minutes, his
words began to slur and slow as he stumbled and tripped over
sentences. This could work! She could taste freedom. A moment
later, she felt a sharp zap of electricity, and then she blacked
    Sydney woke, feeling weaker than normal, even though
she’d fed a lot. She struggled out of the closet she’d been
carelessly tossed into to find an angry Jacob sitting on the edge
of the bed, a black rectangular box in his hand.
    He looked down at it, then back at her. “Just some
protection that was sent to me with the truck and provisions.”
    Provisions. Yes, there was food in the back of the
truck. Far from roughing it, they’d provided her captor with
everything he needed to comfortably transport the vampire cargo.
Her attention went back to the weapon on his lap.
    “I didn’t want to have to use it. You knew you were
taking too much. Shame on you, Syd.”
    “ Shame on me?” She was only trying
to survive. She wasn’t the one he had a conflict with. It wasn’t
like she’d picked him out of a catalog, or like she’d known how her
father had secured her meals. She’d been too young to think through
the ramifications of any of that.
    She felt gross from sleeping in the closet, and she
wondered how many of those field mice had crawled over her in her
sleep. She wondered if Jacob had done anything inappropriate while
she’d been unconscious. And then she started to cry, because what
was the point anymore of pretending to be brave?
    A hint of guilt shone from his eyes, but he just
said, “We need to get back on the road.”
    He dragged her to the truck and made sure she was
buckled in. This time he didn’t hide the fact that he had plenty of
food for the trip. He took a dried meat product in a plastic
wrapper and a canned beverage from the back and got into the
    Sydney was hungry, but she knew he wouldn’t let her
feed again until they stopped. And she also knew the black box
would be poised and ready in case she tried anything else

Chapter Three
    Noah sat in a corner of the glass cell. An hour
maybe until exercise time. The moon was getting closer. Tonight
more than any other time before, he felt amped up, like he couldn’t

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