Unleash The Moon (The Preternaturals Book 6)
any questions until the
transaction started. Do I have it about right?”
    Jacob turned red, and Sydney thought she could
convince him not to do it. But the things she’d end up doing with
him in order to have the smallest chance, turned her stomach. No,
she was killing the shithead. She’d worry about what she’d eat on
the way home.
    He was quiet for a long time, only the sound of the
old truck piercing the silence. What else was left to say? The rest
of the drive, Sydney spent fantasizing about what would have
happened if she’d gotten away on her own—if she hadn’t confided in
the human.
    Her father might not have been able to get into
Jacob’s head with the magic that cloaked and protected him, but
when he discovered Elise’s remains he would have known something
was wrong and would have gotten the information out of him the
old-fashioned way. Then he would have carved Jacob up like the game
the others hunted.
    It was a nice fantasy, but she needed to focus. She
was already getting sleepy. It didn’t even take the sun coming up
to wear her out. Even normal vampires couldn’t get up when the sun
was in the sky, but that went double for Syndey.
    They were in Oregon now. She’d seen signs on the
road they’d driven on. The Hub City was in Nevada. Sydney wasn’t
sure if he was taking her the whole way or if they’d meet someone
else who would take her. If she planned to kill him, this might be
her only opportunity.
    They’d passed a place called “Bend” about an hour
ago. It was deserted like most other places. Or else those who
lived there were in hiding, hoping the cities had lost interest in
    Jacob pulled off the road when he spotted a
farmhouse. Sydney contemplated running, but he’d catch her, and she
knew he’d picked an area like this intentionally. It was so much
wide open space, hundreds of acres. The only safe place for her
when the sun came up would be inside that farmhouse somewhere. Or
maybe the nearby barn.
    “ Let’s go inside and find you a
safe space.”
    Such an odd thing for him to say right now, but he
would want her safe for the trade. If she died, she was no good to
him and he couldn’t get back to his precious family. It made Sydney
feel even more guilty for trying to escape hers.
    She wondered if someone had
delivered the truck and left it for him for the drive. She wondered
what other things he’d been planning. He probably had
non-perishable food already packed away in the back of the truck,
shipped to him by humans. Figuring out what he’d eat likely just meant deciding on a canned meat and
vegetable, not hunting something as she’d previously
    As she followed him into the house, she envisioned
jumping on his back and sinking her fangs into his throat, draining
him so fast he couldn’t react, but she knew he’d toss her right off
him. And then she’d be screwed.
    No, she had to wait until he offered her his vein
and distract him so she could drink more than she should. It had
been so long since she’d drank too much from him—so long since it
had been a real threat. In the decade since Elise had claimed him,
he’d probably forgotten how weak he could get from blood loss and
how fast.
    Jacob opened cabinets in the kitchen, and a white
mouse scurried by squeaking in irritation. A few cans of food in
the pantry had exploded after years and years of sitting expired in
a house with no temperature control.
    “ No one has been here since the
original owners. And from the looks of it, they haven’t been here
in a long time, either.”
    His boots creaked over the rotting hardwood as he
went down the hallway. Sydney silently prayed the floor would
collapse and he’d break his neck falling into a basement, but it
didn’t happen. He reached the end safely.
    She stood in the hall, not liking close proximity
with this Jacob. His head popped out again a few minutes later.
“Bedroom in here, Syd. There’s a big, empty closet you can sleep
in. I just have to

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