Trust in Me
suspect anything?”
    I snorted. “Do you think I’d be breathing if he did?”
    “Okay. Be careful.”
    The static ended abruptly, signaling the end of the call.
    Be careful . Oh, yes, I had a care or two. Things to take care of before I died, but none of it would change the ending. I was like those cartoon characters that ran and ran and looked down, only to find themselves already off a cliff. I’d left solid ground the second I’d supplied Zachary with information. It was only a matter of time before I fell.
    In my closet, one of the few rooms free of cameras, I stowed the phone under the fake bottom of my lingerie drawer. Then I curled up on the cozy bed and read a book. It passed the time anyway, and Carlos liked to find me that way. It made him chuckle that I would read a book, that I had a thought in my head when all I was good for was a cock in the mouth. He appreciated irony, one of the few things we had in common.
    But it wasn’t Carlos who found me that way.
    Tyler stormed in, his face set in sharp slashes of fury. Instinctively, I pulled my knees under me, ready to flee, and put my hands up in defense. He didn’t attack me though, at least not in the way I expected. His hands knocked mine aside and then his lips met mine. It wasn’t a kiss, it was an accusation.
    My mind spun like a top, dizzy. My body had no such confusion, melting into his angry embrace, wetting the thin line of my thong.
    He flipped me over, and I went down, face first. The silk sheets cooled my cheek, chilling the ardor I barely knew existed. Then his mouth was against my ear, whispering.
    “Was it you?” he asked. “Did you tell him after all, hmm?”
    Still sluggish from the surprise or maybe the arousal, I said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
    “Don’t you? Someone told him about a traitor. He’s gone nuts.”
    I sucked in a breath. The kiss, what I’d taken to be seduction, had merely been for the cameras that weren’t even in this room, to distract from the fact that he wanted to have a conversation. Though conversation was too nice a word for the accusations he flung.
    “I didn’t say anything,” I hissed. “Why would I risk him suspecting me?”
    “I don’t know. Maybe you’re not an informant at all. Maybe you’re just feeding me what he wants me to think.”
    Anger washed over me, drowning out the hurt. I shook him off. He allowed me to turn over, but his body kept me trapped against the bed. It was more intimate this way, more sexual. The sky blue of his eyes shocked me, so close. I saw them plenty in my dreams, but always from afar. Even my subconscious knew it was hopeless.
    “I thought you trusted me,” came out on an exhale. Damn. I clamped my mouth shut, hadn’t meant to say that.
    “I’d be an idiot to trust you,” he replied.
    I took the sting as my due. Tyler was a lot of things, but never an idiot. It always came back to this. The ceiling swam above me, as if it were the surface of the ocean and I lay on the sandy floor. This must be why it shocked me to look him in the eye, I realized. There was too much truth there, too much knowledge. It was like looking into the sun—painful. Just look down.
    “I don’t know how I can convince you,” I said. “I’m telling the truth.”
    “Then prove it,” he said into my neck, still playing at the farce of a make-out session. “He’s got an idea that someone’s dirty…someone else who’s undercover. We’re in trouble.”
    “And what should I do—sacrifice myself?” I raised my eyebrow, though I wasn’t entirely sure he wouldn’t ask it of me.
    “He’s going to go find him now, and it won’t go well. It would blow the whole thing, not to mention mean a death sentence for that guy. I need time to get them out. A distraction.”
    Ah, so I was to be the sacrifice after all. Not a virgin, not anywhere close, but a sacrificial whore.
    “Okay,” I said, as if it didn’t matter, as if it didn’t hurt when he sent me into

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