Trust in Me
it was to torture information out of an enemy or punish a slut for his amusement.
    “Not more than usual.”
    “Okay.” Leo released me. I was always being slammed up against walls, forever having to redeem myself to men. And maybe I wouldn’t have minded so much if they gave a shit about me in the end.
    I pushed him off me. He was a big guy, though, very strong. When he stumbled back, it was all for show. Sometimes he let me throw a little tantrum, and I did, stalking off in a huff.
    When I reached my room, I shut the door and stuck the thick wad of paper under the door as a wedge to keep it shut. Then I pulled out the disposable cell phone from the fake bottom of my dresser drawer. It was time to check-in with my contact.
    “Do you have any news?” Zachary’s voice was scratchy on the satellite phone, but anything local could be traced. Carlos may have been old school, but Zachary didn’t take any chances. The Russians would have access to all kinds of technology, he said.
    “Yeah,” I said. “I met your guy on the inside.”
    His whistle crackled through the static. “You made him?”
    Yes, I’d realized Tyler was a cop. “Guy’s the worst kind,” I groused. “Total do-gooder.”
    “And Carlos?”
    “He’s got no idea. Thinks he’s grooming the guy to be the next him.”
    Zachary chuckled. I didn’t think every informant got the friendly treatment, but I wasn’t just any informant. I’d saved Zachary’s life and his girlfriend’s when Carlos had tried to blow them up six months ago. That was how we’d met, them fighting for their lives, me giving an assist. He’d made contact shortly after that. He rejoined the investigation and asked me to help.
    I knew Zachary’s superiors gave him shit about trusting my intel, but he’d always displayed complete faith in me. His superiors were right, though. I wasn’t trustworthy, as evidenced by the fact that I was betraying Carlos at all. Never trust a traitor. Still, a bond forms when you’ve taken a man’s life in your hands, like a spider’s thread, thin but strong.
    I didn’t want to let Zachary down. I didn’t want to let those girls in the shipment down. And maybe, impossibly, I wanted Tyler to be proud of me. What a sap.
    “He got a call from them yesterday. They’re moving up their timetable. They’re talking in the next week , not months.”
    “Are you sure?” Zachary asked sharply.
    “I’m sure,” I said wryly, thinking of how Carlos’s cock had wilted, just a little, in my mouth when the guy on the other end of the line had started berating him. Men had no idea how much they gave away in their quest for control.
    “They wanted to talk about security, but I guess you already know about that.” Seeing as the head of Carlos’s security was actually an undercover agent.
    “Give me the run-down anyway.”
    “They just said they need more. More security—more men, more guns.”
    “And my guy, he trusts him?”
    I thought about that. Carlos wasn’t the alpha dog—he was the rabid one. If anyone even looked at him sideways, he felt the need to attack, to display his dominance, and then shit on the person just for good measure.
    Tyler challenged him, I could see that. With his obvious physical competence at combat, something illustrated not only by the toned muscles that filled out his body, but also by the fact that he was head of security and clearly knew his way around a weapons rack, Carlos would be feeling the urge to fight.
    But Carlos also acted with a certain camaraderie with Tyler, one I’d never seen him display for his other underlings. It was almost like he saw Tyler as his equal. That fact might mean Tyler’s downfall in the end, but for now it kept him in a position of favored pupil. Besides the fact that there was a lot of money riding on this deal, millions of dollars, and he needed Tyler.
    “I think he’s okay,” I finally said. “Carlos seems to respect him.”
    “Good,” Zachary said. “And you? Does he

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